Do you really know who you are giving your screening info to?

~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 10-19-2010, 08:17 PM
Recently I became curious about an email that was posted on boards. It only sounded odd to me, so I googled it.

I was NOT prepared for what I found...

I found a that the providers email.. was listed in "recruiting" ads on FTWeekly and BP...

With both the names Diamond and King(a Well known Pimp in Dallas) as contacts.. with only 1 email listed.

This leads me to believe that they BOTH have access to the account...

Now, this provider has P411 listed as a screening tool. Profile claims Independent.... so I am going to presume she has received IDs...

Who knows what else she may have collected... using the same email that I believe they both have access to.


Now before this turns into a whole "girls have the right to choose to be managed or not" type of thread.. I am NOT saying I even give a shit about that... I think by now that is her choice, not force, so I wash my hands of that issue..


My point is that on both her per P411 and her profiles she lists herself as Independent and people may mistakenly trust her with info not knowing about someone else having access to their info.


What are your thoughts?

What are your thoughts? Originally Posted by ~Ze~
I think I am completely smitten with ~Ze~ and she gives me braingasms.

But seriously, I think that given this particular pimp's tendencies towards violence, outing providers to their families and even LE, that clients..namely the P411 and/or ECCIE clients who are potentially booking this pimp's 'wares'...would be interested in knowing who these ladies are. I don't know that they'd want their visit with these women to come back to haunt them.

But I'm interested in hearing what the guys think, really.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 10-19-2010, 08:39 PM
I think I am completely smitten with ~Ze~ and she gives me braingasms.
Originally Posted by Dannie
Marry me?

I <3 the word smitten... not as much as my eyes roll to the back of my head when I hear "Braingasms"...
Iaintliein's Avatar
Aside from the potential for violence (there is no rule that a provider can not be violent to I suppose), from the client's perspective the key is keeping the number of people involved to the absolute minimum.

Stereotypes abound for all of us, pimps, providers and clients. Those associated with pimps not only make the client think about his own security, but also engenders pity toward the provider. It is also very hard to grasp why a woman would do this or any other job simply to hand a portion of the earnings over to a man.

Fear, pity and bewilderment are not the best emotions to promote the illusion of passion, or even the fun of a basic sport fuck.
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 10-19-2010, 08:54 PM
Why not send an email to P411 with the information? I bet they will act upon it. If it shows they are obviously not independent, at a very minimum they will likely suspend the account until someone owns up to which "agency" it is? LOL.
Does he even care? Does he know what the fuck Internet screening is?

Or is his bottom bitch truly independent and differs little from many other working housewives who deposits her whole salary into his account. He just tells her to go to work and takes the cash.

I dunno, this is all speculation. Never met the guy. Don't really want to.

Real Pimpin is about bidness. And a good pimp looks at the big picture and does not want to screw with a steady stream of income. The only time he cares about a dudes info is if one of his hos get stiffed.

Even Shrek knows this!

~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 10-19-2010, 09:02 PM
Hey CPI.. nope.. obviously knows nothing about screening.. since the girl in question allowed her "apprentice" to get seriously hurt by a client that was NOT screened in the least.

And DAMN I love her boyshorts!

69er.. will do.. didn't even think of that..
That is terrible. I do not condone violence against any woman. Ze, when we gonna open that provider boot camp we talked about? We could make it like a trade school like ATI or ITT!

Who wants to be in the commercials?
I will! If I can wear the shoes in Ze and Dannie's Banners!

I feel that pimps who behave as this one does, baiting the unsuspecting ladies into forced/pimped escorting by placing ads looking for "home health aides" and such should be burned at the steak that best belongs in their black empty hearts.

I've stood up to this particular pimp before (those 'chat junkies' know what I'm speaking of) only to have him threaten my life.

Trash like that needs to be gone.
SweetAterPie's Avatar
I have been victimized and I would like to share this with the offender.
dodger's Avatar
We favor the good and impugn the bad. In principle, I'm interested in securing the services of truly independent providers, only. The rationale has already been discussed by others.

On a board which breaks out AMPs, agencies, SCs, indies .. and "other" ... I actually resent "managed" providers claiming to be independent. At the least, they should be 'other'.

I'm amused by providers who come on the WW with a new handle and claim, "now I'm really independent"! Maybe we need independent, faux independent, and pseudo independent categories.

Just sayin' ... I would like to know who I'm dealing with, for real.
Is Sexy the one with the King pimp?

Excuse me Im alittle slow due to lack of sleep from the baby...
If a particular Provider (who could be drop dead gorgeous and on the radar of all of the Hobbyists here!) uses a 'Pimp' it's her business (and his). I suppose all pimps resemble Isaac Hayes' character in Escape From New York" huh? Probably not. Are they routinenly calin' their women "Hos" or "Bitches" and beating them up if they fail to bring him their $$? Can't say for a fact they do or don't. If a woman allows or desires this type of relationship it's (a) her business; or (b) there are resources to help her get out if that's what she wants.

If a "pimp" or "stable master" or "Ho's best friend" is accessing (or has access to) P411's database there's a reason not to use P411 and if P411 values the business it will take whatever steps are necessary to protect the information or the business will wither and die. Personally, I don't know who runs P411, Eccie or any of the millions of websites on the internet. If using them could create a privacy issue for me then I'll share very little info with them and presume that they're all run by a bunch of Isaac Hayes, lookalike, pimps struttin' down Davis Street in a chinchilla coat and usin' a gold walkin' stick so he can BEat His Ho's aNd GiT tHeiR muNeY.

Bottom line: if you put your personal info out there it's your neck. If you're caught with an Asian mouth locked about your dick in a room at your favorite AMP when LE busts in it's your marriage and reputation. If you catch something and pass it along to your wife after a wonderous BBBJ from a Provider famous for her BBBJ's it's your alimony payment. Everything carries risks and it's up to each person to weigh the benefits against the potential consequences. I don't use P411. I don't show up at socials where a stable of hot Providers and Hobbyists are congregating. I don't post numerous reviews with an abundance of details that would place me out of the office or in a particular part of town on any date or time. I do this now and then and without any set regularity in order that there isn't a pattern of behavior. If a Provider requires P411 I find someone else. It's all personal choice.