
Guest010619's Avatar
Friend of mine was at the oyster bake with his GF and told me how she reacted to his kisses after he ate oysters, she being allergic to shellfish. Anyone ever experienced an extreme allergic reaction (perfume, incense, food, pets, etc...) during a session requiring anything from a cancellation to a trip to emergency? How do we prevent such a possibility?
As for me, I prefer no perfumes, but I learned from an Austin provider to limit food intake to a minimum and eat healthy. Oatmeal, fresh fruit, water, nothing processed before a session. Alcohol right before or during is okay.
Your thoughts?
Actually you make a good point. I was watching 1000 ways to die and some guy ate peanuts and kissed a girl with a peanut allergy causing a SEVERE allergic reaction and her death. Although I think it's worse if they don't brush their teeth prior. Hopefully hobbyists and providers brush their teeth before a session.
Guest010619's Avatar
Actually you make a good point. I was watching 1000 ways to die and some guy ate peanuts and kissed a girl with a peanut allergy causing a SEVERE allergic reaction and her death. Although I think it's worse if they don't brush their teeth prior. Hopefully hobbyists and providers brush their teeth before a session. Originally Posted by TXSuccubus

Originally Posted by PDid
Nothing worse than a swollen pussy from a peanut.
Candi Staxx's Avatar
Actually you make a good point. I was watching 1000 ways to die and some guy ate peanuts and kissed a girl with a peanut allergy causing a SEVERE allergic reaction and her death. Although I think it's worse if they don't brush their teeth prior. Hopefully hobbyists and providers brush their teeth before a session. Originally Posted by TXSuccubus
Just Had to say...Im frickin addicted to that show!!!

Nothing worse than a swollen pussy from a peanut.
Originally Posted by ugotme10
I have alot of good hobby stories, but none having to do with this!
The peanut comment just made me laugh, laughs are good.
ck1942's Avatar
Whatever is in the air had me coughing and wheezing this morning!

I basically gave up on over the counter anti allergy crap a month ago since Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra, etc. were not effective or, for that matter, even reducing the allergies. No, I wasn't taking all of them together!

So, next visit to the MD top of the list will be something for the schnoz/sinuses... bottom of the list, you get guessed, the annual finger wave.
Doglegg's Avatar
I react to perfume, a horrendous headache results and I quickly leave.

At a recent social event one of our lovelies sat at our table and we had a good discussion. She excused herself to the ladies room where she 'refreshed' her perfume. I left shortly afterwards.

I am sure she has wondered why I have not tried setting an appointment and she may attribute the cause to her age when the fact is, its her perfume.

There have been several other ladies over the years where upon meeting I cannot even give a hug because the perfume will stick with me and force me to bail out.

Unfortunately I can't say which brand name because of so many different brands.

I have been extremely lucky with some of my BCD choices as I either request zero perfume or lotions for our date (one young lady remembered after getting dolled up and had to shower again just as I arrived), or through their research they have seen my similar posts about the effects of perfume and have elected to stay natural for our date. I have always ensured that I thanked each one profusely.

Thanks for bringing this topic up again UGotMe.
I never eat bananas or cinnamon because my kid is allergic and im scared even after washing and brushing I will have residue still on me.

Doesn't affect my hobby life except at home in Sacramento where I ask my clients not to eat those before we play because I will go home after my appointments. Super ocd about that.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I've never had issues within the hobby except that some guys are super sensitive to scent so that I can't even have candles lit. Although I try to respect discretion, I do sometimes wear a light citrus scented perfume, but nothing strong.
I've seen first hand how shellfish allergies are. Took my nephew to a buffet in OH and he was eating some chicken. They had an evening where they served shrimp each week and cooked the chicken in the same oil. After only a couple bites, I watched him turn completely pale, including his eyes, which freaked me out. The restaurant never even offered to call an ambulance when told what happened.
My cousin and his wife were at a Farmers Market and he bought a Mango. He had never eaten Mango. When they left his wife cut it open and gave him a piece to eat while driving. Within minutes his airways swelled up and closed shut, face, tongue, eyes, throat, became unrecognizable. He was dead within 5 minutes. His throat was swollen shut so bad even attempting a trachiotomy did not work. Luckily he was able to get the car off the road safely without injuring his wife, kids, or other cars passing by. We would have never guessed he was allergic to Mangos and his death would be cause by 1 piece.
ck1942's Avatar
VS - so sorry for your loss.

Several people I know (both out and in the hobby, as a matter of fact) always have an epi-pen close by.

Skilled allergists doctors can often desensitize many patients either completely or to a high level -- but even those patients treated successfully usually avoid their allergic nemesis.

= = = = =

Good thing most hobbyists are not allergic to pu**y!
Hottassamelia's Avatar
Yes Von, I am sorry for your loss...that is crazy...

I am allergic to Nonoxynol-9. ( The spermicide found in most spermicidal condoms)
I found this out the hard way , many many moons before I started in this hobby ...Thankfully, they don't use spermicide in a lot of condoms,but I always have to check...
No es bueno....
Thumper's Avatar
I know the feeling I have a deathly allergic reaction to peanuts and most nuts. I carry my pin and have still have ended up in the hospital a couple of times. Everyone stay safe...
Guest010619's Avatar
I've never had issues within the hobby except that some guys are super sensitive to scent so that I can't even have candles lit. Although I try to respect discretion, I do sometimes wear a light citrus scented perfume, but nothing strong.
I've seen first hand how shellfish allergies are. Took my nephew to a buffet in OH and he was eating some chicken. They had an evening where they served shrimp each week and cooked the chicken in the same oil. After only a couple bites, I watched him turn completely pale, including his eyes, which freaked me out. The restaurant never even offered to call an ambulance when told what happened. Originally Posted by TemptationTammie
My cousin and his wife were at a Farmers Market and he bought a Mango. He had never eaten Mango. When they left his wife cut it open and gave him a piece to eat while driving. Within minutes his airways swelled up and closed shut, face, tongue, eyes, throat, became unrecognizable. He was dead within 5 minutes. His throat was swollen shut so bad even attempting a trachiotomy did not work. Luckily he was able to get the car off the road safely without injuring his wife, kids, or other cars passing by. We would have never guessed he was allergic to Mangos and his death would be cause by 1 piece. Originally Posted by Von Spieler
So sorry to hear that and my sympathies. My doctor put me on allergy medications once and those medications caused me to react to allergies. In other words, the allergy medications can screw up your histamines and wreck havoc on your system. I saw a specialist who gave me a prescription to Clarinex with instructions to use only during an allergy attack. Because of my screwed up histamines, I began to get hives due to stress. Public speaking was one of them. At one point the hives that appeared on my forehead made me look like a Klingon, popped a pill before the speech and I was back to normal in a few minutes. Didn't have to deliver speech in Klingon.
Once I had my car washed at the Washtub and they put a scent chip in there. I started to react and drove back and told them to remove all chips they threw in.
I usually fast, and limit food to veggies and fruits and water before a session.
I react to perfume, a horrendous headache results and I quickly leave.

At a recent social event one of our lovelies sat at our table and we had a good discussion. She excused herself to the ladies room where she 'refreshed' her perfume. I left shortly afterwards.

I am sure she has wondered why I have not tried setting an appointment and she may attribute the cause to her age when the fact is, its her perfume.

There have been several other ladies over the years where upon meeting I cannot even give a hug because the perfume will stick with me and force me to bail out.

Unfortunately I can't say which brand name because of so many different brands.

I have been extremely lucky with some of my BCD choices as I either request zero perfume or lotions for our date (one young lady remembered after getting dolled up and had to shower again just as I arrived), or through their research they have seen my similar posts about the effects of perfume and have elected to stay natural for our date. I have always ensured that I thanked each one profusely.

Thanks for bringing this topic up again UGotMe. Originally Posted by Doglegg
Lady's leave perfume off and makeup to , reg soap will do , perfume makes me sick