Food for thought

flinde's Avatar
Anyone with an 8th+ grade education can read this site for a few days, then post a credible review, and be reading ROS, everything else.

And the vice cops are way smarter than that. Think about it. The vice detectives are the only ones who can troll sites like this at work, and have their bosses say "good job -keep it up".

Its a given that LE is here. That's without a doubt. Period. The end.

I been around a while. Seems to me, providers and mongers who mind their business are for the most part left alone, despite LE presence.

But, soon as a provider has a few cash and dash threads, or assault or robbery threads, or mean pimp, or pimp with possible underage gals threads , the cops seem to quickly take action. We have seen this here very recently. Seen the same thing, over and over again. For years.

I'm guessing, that a self policing site like this--not a lot of drama (and potentially someone getting hurt) posts--in fact warning of bad situations--I'm gonna guess that LE, for the most part, respect that.

We got our rules. Good rules. No drug talk. No underage provider talk. etc.
Maybe we need to take it a little further than just rules though.

If we run into a potentially bad pimp situation, or a provider that looks/acts a little young, then maybe we should drop an anonymous dime. There are still payphones here or there. And there are other anonymous phones--like the ones in the bank lobbies etc. Or be balsy and use your cell phone. Or use someone's phone you dont like.

But, an alerts post is probably just as good--I bet a day doesnt go by without vice checking out this site, more than once.

I think LE would appreciate that sort of a self-policing group of mongers, and theoretically, would leave me alone to get my butt licked by over age 40 ladies who are just trying to get by, in exchange for my discretionary cash.

In my business, something goes less than right, we get together, discuss, review things and pick apart--so we can do better the next opportunity.

That's what I'm trying to do here.

A pimp shows up with some young looking girls, maybe we ought to give LE a heads up, or post an alert, so the cops can get the predatory pimp locked up where he and/or she belongs, and the abused runaways etc can be in a safer, less potentially dangerous or abusive situation.

Not just pay lip (or keyboard) service. In hindsight, I wish I would have posted that I thought that Chloe etc looked a little young in her ads. Might have had a bad guy and/or girl locked up sooner, and had a 16 year old girl or two in a safer place than in a drug infested motel room with a predatory pimp.

Never met the girl. I'm a no drama age 40+ provider kind of guy. But like the pimp said "I'm just saying".
whitetail32's Avatar
I think your idea and intentions are absolutely EXCELLENT! I would support it.