Review need to be added to my account

Gucci Asswell's Avatar
Staff, can you please put this review from this person under my account? also how do I edit my ad and add more picture, I posted the ad from my phone is that why I could only upload one picture or is it some type of level you have to be on before you can add more than one pic on the thread? Can you only edit from where you post your thread? im on my laptop now, so if I post I can only edit the ad from my laptop?
Mojojo's Avatar
The review will be added to your profile

Once you make a post you only have 1 hour to edit it, after that the staff must do it for you.
gman44's Avatar
I got it on there for you
Gucci Asswell's Avatar
Thank you guys for your assistance adding my revie! One las thing, How do I ad more than one pic on a thread?
Mojojo's Avatar
Here ya go

geniusman lays it out on this thread.