Discreet Funds

Old Horn Dog's Avatar
So we all know that, at times, it's necessary to send some cash to a special friend somewhere else. In the past, that was easy--Green Dot Money-Paks or various other re-loads for pre-paid cards. You just go to the register & buy it right?

Rude shock yesterday: Walgreen's now demands ID before purchasing these. They told me @ one Walgreen's that it was a 'state law' now; I tried another & they said it was 'the company that sells the cards.' I think it's BS: two different CVS's didn't ask for ID. I don't know what to think--maybe it's just Wally-world being nosy?

Wal-mart also demanded ID to send cash through Money-gram, which the other retailer I've dealt with has never done. It's harder & harder to do anything w/o showing an ID & I should've guessed that someone would throw water on the party eventually, but if anyone has other suggestions for discreet transfers please let me know.
holmes50's Avatar
A long time ago I used Green Dot, always went to CVS, never did they ask for i.d.
gimme_that's Avatar
They are cracking down on non id used ways to send money because of non US citizens and so that its harder to hide drug money transactions.

The only way I will send a deposit to a provider now is western union. A lot won't use it......because of all the info you provide.......but I surprisingly have not had many providers turn me down.

Last time I was activating a green dot card I had to do the same thing. So I'm definitely subscribed to this thread for more suggestions.
Easy problem solving!

Use cash.
Don't spend money u do not have.
Live within your means.

Good luck w/all that green dot stuff, guyz. It sounds like a big headache!
I bank with Chase for now. About 4 or 5 months ago they started to ask for ID to deposit cash in my own account. I could understand if I was trying to deposit a large sum like 5 thousand but 5 hundred.
L.T. Watson's Avatar
ol horny check your pm
Big Perm...deposit at the ATM, boo
Sad that you need ID to "help" out a young lady in distress, but not to vote for the POTUS.
pornodave69's Avatar
I'm pretty sure they're not recording or documenting your ID every time you buy a green dot card or refill so what difference does it make? Even if they did it's not like anybody like a wife or SO would ever find out from the CVS.
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
I'm pretty sure they're not recording or documenting your ID every time you buy a green dot card or refill so what difference does it make? Even if they did it's not like anybody like a wife or SO would ever find out from the CVS. Originally Posted by pornodave69
They told me @ Walgreen's they had to scan it in their system. So I think they ARE going to track how often you buy them--at least that seemed to be the intent. I didn't wait around to see--I bailed. Now: try finding a CVS or Rite Aid open after 10 pm. It's not possible. But all the Walgreen's are open... Jesus I just don't fucking understand New Orleans sometimes.
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
Sorry to bump this but it's related:

apparently, NO MORE GREEN DOT MONEY-PAK RELOADS. A girl told me they quit doing them & took them off the shelves. Sure enough... I'm going to assume the same for Vanilla Visa reload cards too. Suggestions for sending anonymous cash to a friend who might need a little assistance?

If I buy a pre-paid card myself, can I transfer funds from it directly to a girl's prepaid card if necessary? Maybe over Paypal? I've never used it like that; don't know how. And if I buy a prepaid card, how am I supposed to reload it now that they took the reload cards off the market?

Hate to sound uneducated, but I don't want to explore this on my own w/o knowing what I'm doing, suddenly get to a point where someone at a store demands ID & I'm like, "Oh, umm, I didn't bring it w/me BYE!" & run out the door. It's looks... odd. Or worse, have spent money on some type of card, THEN find out to use it I need verifiable ID either in person or on-line. Not everyone on the planet needs to know who my friends are.
i'm also interested in this.
trekker's Avatar
It's all part of the Soviet (Patriot) Act. If you use PayPal to pay a provider, just say "gift" where the form asks for the type of purchase. It's not a "secret" transaction if agents of the government want to trace it, but it doesn't reveal anything to the recipient that they can't already get by knowing your email address. Bitcoin is out there, but still more of a hassle than I want to deal with.
trekker's Avatar
I'm pretty sure they're not recording or documenting your ID every time you buy a green dot card or refill so what difference does it make? Even if they did it's not like anybody like a wife or SO would ever find out from the CVS. Originally Posted by pornodave69
The problem is when the SO sees mail from Green Dot.
Big Perm...deposit at the ATM, boo Originally Posted by LisaLyonz
Better yet mobile deposit!