Bombshell Emails: White House Coordinated With Department of Labor To Hide Illegal Obama Fundraiser Hilda Solis’ Schedule
The Department of Labor coordinated with the White House on whether or not to release hidden portions of former Labor Secretary Hilda Solis’ schedule as Solis battled an FBI investigation into her illegal fundraising for President Obama.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/09/14/bo...#ixzz3DODJFtkM
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Of course you did Whir-LIE-turd. You posted yet another Obama love thread.

Are you so convinced MLK would approve that you figured it was time to start spamming the board again?

She's been out since when? And why?

And this is about violations that occurred in 2009?

So what's your point?

You love Obama.
TrendingIdiot, WHERE'S THE LINK confirming MLK actually "opposed illegal immigration" as you specifically stated in another thread.

You first need to establish some credibility. Otherwise we are forced to believe all of your threads are as bogus as that one proved to be!

One step at a time! Ok?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Bombshell Emails: White House Coordinated With Department of Labor To Hide Illegal Obama Fundraiser Hilda Solis’ Schedule
The Department of Labor coordinated with the White House on whether or not to release hidden portions of former Labor Secretary Hilda Solis’ schedule as Solis battled an FBI investigation into her illegal fundraising for President Obama.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/09/14/bo...#ixzz3DODJFtkM Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The reports of wholesale corruption in this administration are getting redundant. Th press could save time by reporting when they tell the truth.
Funny, but very true....and the corruption keeps rolling...............earlier this AM this Benghazi bombshell was announced:

State Dept. WITHHELD damaging documents from ARB Benghazi investigation

A former State Department official, now retired, says that Hillary Clinton staffers, on a weekend in 2012, separated out damaging documents in the basement of the State Dept. before documents were turned over to the Accountability Review Board. They were under orders to do it to protect the 7th floor, i.e. Hillary Clinton.

The reports of wholesale corruption in this administration are getting redundant. Th press could save time by reporting when they tell the truth. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What good is all this big government (we have to pay for and tolerate in our lives), if the very people who run government are corrupt and dishonest ?
Yssup Rider's Avatar

The only thing that's really redundant here is the repetitive mewling from the Idiot Klan, err, Clan.

WaaHhh. Wahhhhh. Waaahhhh.
BTW, the ARB (Accountability Review Board) which was conducting the Benghazi investigation at the time, claimed they had "unfettered access to everyone and everything including all the documentation we needed.”

The ARB was hand picked by State to investigate Benghazi; the ARB never questioned Clinton or other high ranking State Department officals, the ARB never transcribed it's interviews...there is no written record of the ARB proceedings, interviews, etc. To date, no State Department official has lost their job and the four officials cited in the ARB report were never questioned and have been reinstated.

Thomas Pickering, a former ambassador who led the ARB review, said his group discussed its findings with Mrs. Clinton but did not pose any questions because it had established the facts to its satisfaction and concluded that mistakes were made by less senior officials. Likewise, he said, the panel did not question her two deputies.

Can you spell W-H-I-T-E-W-A-S-H?

Un-fucking believable............:woot_ju mp:
The reports of wholesale corruption in this administration are getting redundant. Th press could save time by reporting when they tell the truth. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Carney decapitated a Fox News reporter during a WH Press conference a few months ago at the request of President Obama. The MSM reported it as "exhilarating as well as merciful."

In other words, FAT CHANCE!
BIG Thanks to Sharyl Attkinson... http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/201...-foreign-soil/

For shinning light on "the most tranny apparent administration in history".
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Where are the arrests, indictments and convictions?

Reports are reports. FBI investigations are rather cheap. ask MLK, whir-LIE-turd. or better yet, ask Clarence Jones.

RWW media hate mongering anti-American bitter fruit eating dipshits; you fools keep drinking the poison the Koch Brothers are serving. Lemmings to the sea, you are.

You'd think we were at the doorstep of world destruction listening to you crybabies wail on all day and all night.

But we're not. Not even close.