Visiting Austin...Question?

Sexy Katrina's Avatar
Hello Austin Gentlemen,

I have a question. I will be visiting Austin soon and wandered, is it better to visit during the week or the weekend? I know there will be a mixed bag of answers but I will base my decision on the majority.

Ladies, does work seem to be better on the week days or weekend?

FoulRon's Avatar
Hell, just come for a couple of weeks, or a month even. You probably won't have a problem keeping you calendar full.
Most of my business (like almost all) is business hours on weekdays. I prefer lunch hour businessmen over 12am emails from overgrown frat boys looking for a last minute deal, so it works. (If I were a hobbyist I'd be the not legit hating on those.)

Hotels in Austin are also more complicated on weekends
Weekdays, hands down.
nothingtolose's Avatar
How about 3 weekdays and a weekend - it will cover all.
Sexy Katrina's Avatar
Thanks for the input everyone. I will keep this in mind when making my schedule.

Thanks Ya'll