Why is Greek called Greek?

With nothing else much going on at work, my mind wander off a bit. Why is Greek called Greek? Is it popular in Greece?
Budman's Avatar
Maybe Greece is a shit hole. JK
If im not mistaken, its bc there was an Emperor that was obsessed w anal sex....
Idk why 14th century...comes to mind.
Ill try to google the answer

Edit: I was wrong, sorta!! (Or maybe i was right, and this other persons wrong. Bc you know, everything online is true. )
Heres a link i found:
The word is very similar to the sound a person makes when they receive it unexpectedly.
From urban dictionary...

"Greek women typically deny vaginal sex to their own menfolk, restricting them to anal sex. Meanwhile Greek men, in order to escape female criticism about their diminutive phallic dimensions."

Very popular among ancient greece culture, along with Irish and German cultures historically. In today's society, strictly means one thing....nothing more or less.
Found this on a blog; it parallels my own understanding of the origins of the term:

It is a homosexual reference. The basic idea is that the ancient Greeks didn't like women much and that sex with them (i.e., with women) was mainly for procreation. Ancient Greek men had a culture that encouraged male bonding to the fullest extent possible including male-on-male sex. They weren't gay. They just valued men that much and were extreme misogynists in general...or so the common historical meme goes.
A bit off-topic: An exception among Greek women were the hetaerae: highly educated, talented courtesans who were invited to take part in the otherwise all-male symposia, parties that featured lively political and philosophical discussions as well as drinking. One of them, Campaspe, became a favorite companion of Alexander the Great:

mayorcastro's Avatar
Maybe Greece is a shit hole. JK Originally Posted by Budman

:roflmao :
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Maybe Greece is a shit hole. JK Originally Posted by Budman
Not sue if it's still true but not that long ago their economy was in the shitter. On my bucket list of countries to visit.
uparoundnoon's Avatar
Historically ancient Greece seemed to be amenable to "alternative" sexual practices including openly gay men so butthole sex just got to eb known as Greek. Also the term lesbian comes from a Greek place called Lesbos where it was common for women to openly be homosexual.

On as side note I saw a T-shirt last week that was from Churchill H.S. that had some Greek letters on the front and on the back in big letters it said "GO GREEK OR GO HOME" What the heck was that about? LOL.
ibceerob's Avatar
the history of ass-fucking.... too funny!!
blasphemouse's Avatar

Quoted from Top link.

Ancient and non-Western cultures
See also: Sexuality in ancient Rome § Anal sex
The term Greek love has long been used to refer to anal intercourse, and in modern times, "doing it the Greek way" is sometimes used as slang for anal sex.[115] Ancient Greeks accepted romantic or sexual relationships between males as a balanced sex life (having males and women as lovers), and they considered this "normal (as long as one partner was an adult and the other was aged between twelve and fifteen)".[116]

Homosexual anal sex was not a universally accepted practice in Ancient Greece; it was the target of jokes in comedies.[117] Aristophanes, for instance, mockingly alludes to the practice, claiming, "Most citizens are europroktoi (wide-arsed) now."[118] The terms kinaidos, europroktoi, and katapygon were used by Greek residents to categorize men who practiced passive anal intercourse.[119] While pedagogic pederasty was an essential element in the education of male youths, these relationships, at least in Athens and Sparta, were expected to steer clear of penetrative sex of any kind. There are very few works of pottery or other art that display anal sex between men and boys, let alone between adult men. Greek artwork of sexual interaction between men and boys usually depicted fondling or intercrural sex, which was not condemned for violating or feminizing boys.[120] Intercrural sex was not considered penetrative and two males engaging in it was considered a "clean" act.[117] Other sources explicitly state that anal sex between men and boys was criticized as shameful and seen as a form of hubris.[120][121]

Two Roman males on the Warren Cup, British Museum
In later Roman-era Greek poetry, anal sex became a common literary convention, represented as taking place with "eligible" youths: those who had attained the proper age but had not yet become adults. Seducing those not of proper age (for example, non-adolescent children) into the practice was considered very shameful for the adult, and having such relations with a male who was no longer adolescent was considered more shameful for the young male than for the one mounting him; Greek courtesans, or hetaerae, are said to have frequently practiced heterosexual anal intercourse as a means of preventing pregnancy.[122]

A male citizen taking the passive (or receptive) role in anal intercourse was condemned in Rome as an act of impudicitia (immodesty or unchastity); free men, however, frequently took the active role with a young male slave, known as a catamite or puer delicatus. The latter was allowed because anal intercourse was considered equivalent to vaginal intercourse in this way; men were said to "take it like a woman" (muliebria pati, "to undergo womanly things") when they were anally penetrated, but when a man performed anal sex on a woman, she was thought of as playing the boy's role.[123] Likewise, women were believed to only be capable of anal sex or other sex acts with women if they possessed an exceptionally large clitoris or a dildo.[123] The passive partner in any of these cases was always considered a woman or a boy because being the one who penetrates was characterized as the only appropriate way for an adult male citizen to engage in sexual activity, and he was therefore considered unmanly if he was the one who was penetrated; slaves could be considered "non-citizen".[123] Although Roman men often availed themselves of their own slaves or others for anal intercourse, Roman comedies and plays presented Greek settings and characters for explicit acts of anal intercourse, and this may be indicative that the Romans thought of anal sex as something specifically "Greek".[124]

Then there is this link. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_love

Wikipedia the fountain of knowledge.