Personally, I like to be familiar with my surroundings......wherever that may be.
I've had 2 appts in the Med Ctr and those will most likely be my last. I've never been familiar w/ the Med Ctr but in the times I've traveled through there, I have to agree w/ the 2 ladies above, in that there are quite a few run down/shady areas in and around there.
I'll most likely never have an appointment out in the Sea World area....that's just too damn far for me. I've made it to Austin in shorter times than I've made it out towards the Sea World area.
Downtown is just a PITA. For me it's the trying to find a place to park that kills it for me, otherwise I wouldn't mind having fun in some of those high rise hotels at night.
I guess I would say, the majority of my time here has been spent along 281 from the airport, north to 1604. That's what I'm familiar with, and that's where I'll do my biz.