I'm Having Phone Problems!!

sexxxymalia's Avatar
Hey guys!
If you are trying to get ahold of me on my 913.227.9182 number, I have been having problems with it since about 12:30 pm this afternoon!
It is not letting me receive or make calls, my text really isn't working all that well either!
I am very sorry for any inconvenience this is causing for you guys!
The situation should be fixed tomorrow as I will be getting a new phone!!
Dropped in the toilet didn't you?
sexxxymalia's Avatar
LOL Roya I wish.....it's just a POS!!!!
Probably jammed with requests for a meet.
Glad it worked fine for me recently.
So Malia you are having phone issues? This is not the first time. If anyone complains just blame them, or me. I am sure everyone in this thread will support you.
sexxxymalia's Avatar
I have a brand new phone! ! Thanks everyone for dealing with this situation with me!!!