question for everyone

I'm new to this site. What is the best way to find a good provider on here? Since I'm new they must also be newbie friendly for me as well.

Hence my name, I don't need a long visit. 2pumps is all it takes.

Welcome aboard! Go you the "Independent Providers" section, find the "Search This Forum" button, type in "newbie friendly," and go through the results. Many will come up as "not newbie friendly," but those that remain will make a delightful selection. Pick 3-4 that you fancy and send each one an introductory Personal Message (PM) through their Showcase (never make first contact with a provider by email or text, even after you've been doing this for awhile), and then work with those who respond on their screening requirements. Some may have screening criteria that you're not comfortable with. If so, politely decline and move on. Once you have a couple of sessions under your belt and have written and posted reviews, the screening and verifying will get easier. Not always smoother, but easier. Your short-term goal (other than to get to the best tang in town, of course!) is to gain Premium Access status by posting acceptable reviews. With PA status you can read "The Rest of the Story" in other reviews and participate in Men's Lounge discussions. (We basically just trade recipes and talk about world events in there.). We're all here to have fun, but safety and security is always the top priority. Always be polite and respectful of the ladies, and learn and follow the tricks and rules by researching and paying attention to the issues and discussions here on the Board.

Good luck! Have fun and stay safe!
Thanks a lot for your input. I've been using mocospace to finds ladies, which I find pretty easy to do, but my only concern is I have no idea if they're legit or l.e.
It's always the fun of the hunt for some fresh talent. But I've looked at a couple profiles on here, and so far, I see a lot I am going to have to try out.