I'm Not In The Mood

A question for the ladies: You're in business to have sex. We all understand that there are days when you can't work because of health or physical or RW issues. But do you have days when you emotionally just don't feel like it? If so, how do you handle them?
Candi Staxx's Avatar
A question for the ladies: You're in business to have sex. We all understand that there are days when you can't work because of health or physical or RW issues. But do you have days when you emotionally just don't feel like it? If so, how do you handle them? Originally Posted by PDid

Oddly enough, I really consider most my Regulars actual Friends. There's been a few times Im really having an emotional or just Sad day. As long as its an appointment with a Regular, I'll still "work" because I know within 10 minutes of them coming over, I'll be in a much better mood! Works everytime too!
Sex is obviously always great, but also just the actual companionship is an amazing antidepressant.
To the few friends who have ever came over and I expressed it was'nt a great day, and then you left me later smiling (and wet!) Thank you!

Now if Im Really having a shitty day, or maybe got really bad or serious news, I turn Candi off 100%. There has been a few times I was on tour or here and got bad family news. I clear dates on my website, message everyone I had an upcoming appointments with letting know I have to cancel, and that I will offer extra time or small discount to compensate my cancelling, and then just stay "unplugged" for a few days. I love the Hobby so much, but if its something really serious, Hell yeah Im clocking out for a few days.
I agree with Candi 100%.
yup its funny that ud post that today. i woke up not in the perkiest mood, and instead of staying on the northeast side i just came home and cleaned and now gonna take a nap. so no work for me today. i decided to browse though seeing that ive been staying away from co-ed.
there was a post somewhere else where a provider was like "ya u dont wanna ruin your business by taking appointments on your bad days", and i completely agreed.
Great topic...

Although we are in the sex industry, what we do is by far not just about sex. We provide a great deal more and our clients' needs are as varied as the clients themselves. We are obviously dealing with people at a very intimate level so, unlike a nurse triaging a patient through a phone call, we cannot figure your needs by using an algorithm... Knowingly or not, it takes a great deal of emotional energy to do so. At the end of the day, it is not the physical tiredness that wears one out, it's the emotional one.

With that in mind... If I start my day already emotionally drained, how do I expect to be able to provide quality service to my guests? Now that's just saying "drained". Imagine if I have something that is REALLY taking up my attention in my personal life... Then we go from an OK session to a robotic one because now one is just going through the motions.

No, I will not put any client through this. In the rare occasion that I wake up and I'm feeling burnt out, or have too much going on in my mind/life, I'll take the day off. The loss of a day's income is nothing compared to providing a client a subpar session and possibly losing a client for life. You are spending a lot of money to have less than my undivided attention.


Precious_b's Avatar
I applaud Candi and Camilles input.

Candi: I am in agreement on the Hobbyist side of the fence about how you view your regulars. The Providers I see because I am familiar with them and we are like friends. And they do help me out also when i'm having a down day.

Camille, the figuring on how to address different people is surely a dynamic process. And I completely understand the mental/emotional gymnastics in trying to stay on game for a good session.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I am almost always in the mood, however if it' a matter of attitude - I switch that off or don't take any appts that day at all.
I do agree that I have numerous regulars, even when travelling, and I do count them as friends. And knowing that I have a friend coming does alot to cheer me up. Plus if it is a good session, both of us should be smiling afterwards.
I had one time where someone showed up for appt within minutes of me getting some bad news, I broke down crying. He was a regular, so we talked first and by the time he left, things were much better.
Fox and Staxx are keeping it real as always and good read Tammie. All classy above board ladies with honest answers.
Sarah also brought up a good point.

Don't fuck when you don't want to put up with others' crap.
Willen's Avatar
OK, I'm joining a female-centered thread as a guy who's posted very little lately (on account of being off site.) But I have to say that I find this really worthwhile, since those of us of the male persuasion can only benefit from better understanding the--um--position of you ladies.
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 09-28-2014, 12:51 PM
Excellent topic, pdid, and great thoughts, Candi, Camille, Tammie and Sarah. Nothing really worse than being with a girl who you can tell is distracted and/or they're just not into it. I'd prefer they cancel and take care of themselves first before trying to take care of me. Real life is tough enough and I can only imagine what providers have to put up with in the hobby.
Recently, I was having coffee with a beautiful lady and we both agreed that falling in love for an hour is very draining. That is essentially what the GFE is all about. If I can't do that then I have no business meeting anyone.

I won't lie....sometimes when I say I'm busy I'm really just scheduling time with my couch, netflix, and my dog.
blasphemouse's Avatar
I won't lie....sometimes when I say I'm busy I'm really just scheduling time with my couch, netflix, and my dog. Originally Posted by SAangel27
Damn. I was beaten by a dog, netflix, and the couch? >.<
Damn. I was beaten by a dog, netflix, and the couch? >.< Originally Posted by blasphemouse
There was also pizza involved.

I kid. I kid.