Circumcised or uncircumcised?

livinlarge1237's Avatar
Ladies what do you prefer? Any opinions or thoughts on the subject?
Schmidt: Nick, I came up with the best name for an uncircumcised penis: bishop in a turtleneck.

Thought of this. lol
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Love the avatar - I've heard a comedian using that reference.
I don't know that it really matters whether circumcised or not except when giving oral.
Guys handle it differently as well. The only difference is that some are more sensitive with the skin pulled down, some want it pulled up over the head
mayorcastro's Avatar
In high school I knew a guy that got circumcised when he was 16. He was Jewish so it might have been a religion thing, not too sure
I prefer uncircumcised. Although circumcised feels fine too. I have quite a lot of opinions on circumcision but I don't think this is the best place to voice them lol.

But I do want to let uncut guys know that I think their dicks are awesome and never to feel self conscious. I say this because I know a lot of guys are worried women won't like uncircumcised men.
To me it is the same as asking: do you prefer your clients to have had an appendectomy or not?

Just as important.

Ladies what do you prefer? Any opinions or thoughts on the subject? Originally Posted by livinlarge1237
Why is this important to you? Are you thinking about having the procedure done?
i dont care all too much. but to answer the question and choose, id say circumsized. i had never seen an uncircumsized one until joining the hobby. and i agree that it only really makes a different for a blowjob.
ttmax's Avatar
  • ttmax
  • 09-27-2014, 04:15 AM
Just my thoughts. ....SA210......input......the majority of uncircumcise are baby boomer. .... just pull back and gently scrub/wash daily.
mayorcastro's Avatar
What did the Leper say to the prostitute? -Keep the tip!
What did the Leper say to the prostitute? -Keep the tip!
Originally Posted by mayorcastro
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little lol

To stay on topic, I would think it wouldn't matter as long as you keep your shit clean!!!
LOL some of you guy's jokes... lmao

It doesn't matter as long as it's clean!