Research Confirming Houston as a Major City for Sex Trafficking and Prostitution

lyn.xes's Avatar
This is not an alert per se, but there was an article today that I though the community should know about.

Free the Captives Presents Research Confirming Houston as a Major City for Sex Trafficking and Prostitution, Caused by High Demand from Buyers

The pressure on LE, have or will increase do to the study. Most of the focus maybe on the BP ads but we all should be careful.
Bp and massage paroles will be there low hanging fruit to bust and say look at what we got done !
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
If they really care they should just legalize and regulate it.
Costa Rica does to a degree. I didn't see one pimp there. And the businesses do their part too. Checking all the women's ID as soon as they walk in to their establishment.
Sensationalist bullshit though. Notice they use the wording "women and girls" when referring to the ads.
pyramider's Avatar
Get real ... any major city will be a center for trafficking.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
You can prove anything with statistics, especially when you cherry pick your sample group
  • Sonya
  • 10-01-2014, 07:47 AM
To read that you'd believe everyone who obsucures their face is not a grown willing independent. Nice job of inferring a lot off only a little data.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
"Houston had 59% more unique phone numbers listed in ads per 100,000 people per day than Manhattan and 329% more than North Jersey."

I would like to take a moment to thank Hotboyz for recycling the phone numbers he uses when he brings in a new N-girl or else this figure more than likely would of been "61% more unique phone numbers listed." We now return you to your regularly scheduled program High Tea with the Queen with your host LuxuryDaphne. Today's guest are Asian Kiara, Tbonetas, with music by Paradigm Companions.
"Houston had 59% more unique phone numbers listed in ads per 100,000 people per day than Manhattan and 329% more than North Jersey."

I would like to take a moment to thank Hotboyz for recycling the phone numbers he uses when he brings in a new N-girl or else this figure more than likely would of been "61% more unique phone numbers listed." We now return you to your regularly scheduled program High Tea with the Queen with your host LuxuryDaphne. Today's guest are Asian Kiara, Tbonetas, with music by Paradigm Companions.
Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
"LD, very happy to be here this morning. You are looking lovely."

"Paradigm, you got some hot beats going on. But, please, tone down the volume a bit so I can hear what this HOT lady Asian Kiara is whispering in my ear."

"Kiara, really? And you want her to join in?"

"LD, will you be a gracious host and join us in my favorite High Tea activity?"

"Yes, you're absolutely right! Teabagging!!! And, of course, we can move on from there."

"DG, do enjoy the show."
lyn.xes's Avatar
from the chron

Houston outpaces New York City, North Jersey in online sex trafficking ads

"One curious finding was that a higher number of Houston ads were posted on Tuesdays than on other days of the week.

"This indicates that we have a large number of business travelers who fly in on Monday and leave on Thursday," Waters said."

and I was thinking Tuesday was going to be the answer to the slowest day for providers.