The shit that comes out of Obama....Obama's mouth.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
On the 16th of September Obama told the nation that we were safe from Ebola. That is was unlikely that Ebola would come to the United States. If it did then the doctors had new protocols to detect and stop the spread.

Well Ebola is here. In Dallas a Liberian national is in critical condition with Ebola. His sister tells the news that the "first" time he went to the emergency he was sick and they sent him home with some anti-biotics. He was sick! That means that he was asymptomatic (he could spread the illness) the first time. He went back to his sister's house for a few more days before going back to the hospital. Did he take a cab? According to the media, his sister has children who in the Dallas school system and all those people in the emergency room on both days....

Within the last 48 hours we have the government spokesmen and experts from the government talking about preventing a "widespread" epidemic. We have gone from very unlikely to preventing a widespread epidemic! I wonder how many people have to contract the illness before it becomes widespread. I guess just serious is okay.

We're getting fucked again and your boy is behind it again.
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