Paying it forward at Starbucks

I have to admit, I love Starbuck and I hate myself for it. It is not quality coffee and it's over priced. The coffee itself is bitter and burned tasting but once you add all the caramel, whipcream, etc. it's oh so good.

But, everytime I go to the drive-thru at Starbucks I hand the cashier an extra $5 and say this is for the car behind me. I enjoy paying for the stranger's coffee behind me because for only $5 you can really surprise someone and make their day. I'm not the only one that does this. One day I pulled up and the cashier said "your coffee was paid for by the gentleman in front of you" and so I handed her my money and said, "take care of who's ever behind me." Even though I broke even (paid for one coffee, got one coffee) it made me feel good that the man in front of me paid it forward and that I too could add to someone's day.

I talked to a barista about this and she said that one day they had 23 cars in a row buy for the car behind. She said it made her day because of all the happy smiling faces that drove away with their over priced coffee.

I've never tried this at other drive-thrus. I don't eat a lot of fast foods. But, have you ever paid it forward or had someone pay for your drive-thru purchase?
But, have you ever paid it forward or had someone pay for your drive-thru purchase? Originally Posted by JessicaKnightly
It might have been me.
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I talked to a barista about this and she said that one day they had 23 cars in a row buy for the car behind. Originally Posted by JessicaKnightly
The odds of that happening are astronomical.
Not really if you think about it. The first car paid extra and everyone else paid for their coffee. Basically not taking the free one and passing it back.
  • jwood
  • 10-02-2014, 08:16 PM
I've had it done for me, by a cop.
Paying it forward is a great start, but so much more needs to be done for others. Perhaps adopting a daily mindset of charity and kindness would be nice.
Paying it forward is a great start, but so much more needs to be done for others. Perhaps adopting a daily mindset of charity and kindness would be nice. Originally Posted by Zhivago52
I can only speak for myself, but I used to be on the board of a non-profit, I have done charity work for years, and I donate (as well as help those in need when I can).

I believe I am a kind person in general and don't think I need to practice kindness daily since it is a natural state for me. I've always gone out of my way for others.

That said, I think it fun to buy the coffee at Starbucks because it is such a surprise for the stranger behind me. They are not looking for a hand out like so many I donate too. They are unexpecting of anyone doing this for them. A lot of the people I see at the non-profit I work are there because they feel entitled or it's their own fault. But, the Starbucks thing is just fun.

I know I can't save the world, but if I can make one person's day a little brighter, why not?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-03-2014, 04:14 PM
Bill Russell, the basketball star, used to tell about doing this randomly at toll booths.

As to the chain of 23, while I think that is a relatively large number I don't think it is as astronomical as you might think. Lots of studies show that if a person receives an unexpected favor like that, they are far more likely to do one for someone else in a short time. I have had this happen once in a drive-through (I don't use them very often) and when the cashier told me the person in front of me had paid for my meal she hinted at whether I wanted to do so for person behind me.
This just happened to me about a week ago. I was having a terrible morning and had just left a business where I had to deal with the rudest lady I have encountered in a very long time. I was absolutely fuming. On my way home I decided to run through a drive thru and get some breakfast and coffee. Got to the window and the lady said the car in front of me had paid for my breakfast. It was such a nice and unexpected surprise that I immediately forgot about the rude lady and frustration from the morning and was just happy. The lady at the window was happy too. She said it was like the 7th car that morning. And, of course, I paid for the car behind me, so hopefully they were happy as well

I don't go through drive thru's very often, and I've never paid for the car behind me before this. Just never really thought about it. But now, after this experience, I look forward to surprising someone else next time I do
I've had this happen to me when I was pre-emptively picking up the office Starbucks order. (Never show up late to work without bearing caffeine or instantly become the "nice, thoughtful one" and not "the girl that was late".) I was so mortified that the car in front of me had just spent over 50 dollars, I just paid for everyone's order that they had already taken behind me.

When I was in a smaller town, I would buy bums a drink or two. Generally, if they were near a bar that wouldn't hate me for bring them in there I would tell them I'd buy them any drink of their choosing. The ones that were not scam artists/drug addicts would ask for a coffee since they get unlimited refills and would be able to sit inside longer. Those guys I'd buy a meal, beers/liquor plus the obligatory coffee.
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  • Old-T
  • 10-04-2014, 07:31 AM
Its been going on for a while. 23 is actually pretty low:

Here's the other side: Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Too bad the newspaper gave that Florida guy his 15 minutes. The guy was an ass.
Audrey Astor's Avatar
I was having the most crappy day and I was really teary eyed, when it happened to me, so then I got super emotional and burst out. I'm sure the cashier thought I was nuts. It made me feel so good, I have done it several times too. You sound like a sweeheart Jessica.
I do this about once a week, it makes me feel great to be able to give a surprise and a smile to someone else.
I love Starbucks because when it happens to you, and yes I have had it happen to me as well, it sets the tone for the WHOLE day.

The last time I went through, I paid for my coffee, the car behind me and told the Barista to keep the rest for a tip, it was the best $20 I have spent in a long time
It might surprise you how good it feels to do something so little and know that you brightened someone's day.
daty/o's Avatar
Jessica, you do sound like a sweetheart. I had someone do this for me once and it just really made my day. I try to do it whenever I can remember to. I like thinking that I could be the high point of someones day.