San Angelo is a possible visit! I've never been! :)

Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
Hey I was thinking of visiting San Angelo and surrounding areas on my way to El Paso next week, what is some cool restaurants and nice hotels? What areas to avoid etc.! Any info would be helpful! I hope to hear from you!!
Too bad it wasn't this weekend. I hope it's a worthwhile trip for you though. Your reviews are top notch and you're gorgeous to boot.
CountryGentleman35's Avatar
Hit The clubs along Concho St, Chabourne and Oak Street downtown. Sealy Flats has great R&B. Their food is so so. Fuentes Downtown had great Mexican food and The Ale 1 pub has good food and great atmosphere. Hotels are high and scattered around the loop.

Angelo is a fun town. Just be careful about drinking and driving. Cops are tough on DWI's.
countrygentleman pretty much summed it up perfectly. Downtown is the place to be as far as having a good time. Joes Brewhouse is worth a visit.
would be nice to have a good provider here in san angelo. not many come here for some reason. miss hat ties downtown is very nice place to eat with a good atmosphere. downtown is awesome, nice bands and so forth
I LOVE THIS TOWN and Most men in it are the bomb. You Must know That most of these men can not pre book and are called out on a drop of a dime. I will pm you info.
Have fun sweety
My Blues place with the bras hanging outside I heard closed down SO SO SAD I loved that place. and ever since the joint down by the lake changed names well the service and food turned to shit at least the last 2 times I went I have no idea the new name it was still water. I got asparagus that was shrivelled look liked green beans and if the girl would of stopped texting long enough baby she would of noticed a few important things...
Sealy Flats has reopened with different people running the restaurant, that's the Blues place.
aww the grey long haired hippy and the moody wife are no longer running a muck I loved HIM he was great he opened on a sunday just to show a friend of mine the inside once......I was considering going but now that they are back opened I have to come back this trip there fried zuccini is the BOMB
aww the grey long haired hippy and the moody wife are no longer running a muck I loved HIM he was great he opened on a sunday just to show a friend of mine the inside once......I was considering going but now that they are back opened I have to come back this trip there fried zuccini is the BOMB Originally Posted by Majichands
He still owns the building and runs the 3 room inn next door with his wife.