Early Voting

Did my civic duty and voted today. I was stunned. There was actually a line for early voting; not just a line but I was in line for about 20 minutes. The only other time I had to wait in line to early voting was the last presidential election. I wasn’t shocked at that, but I’ve never, ever had a line even on Election Day that was more than 5 minutes or so for an off-year election. I've read that the polls are all over the place. They are swinging from as little as a 3% to a 14% Republican victory. From everything I’ve read about the polls, a strong turnout is supposed to foretell of a strong Republican victory. It should be an interesting election.
macksback's Avatar
"From everything I’ve read about the polls, a strong turnout is supposed to foretell of a strong Republican victory. It should be an interesting election"

Thats the rumor. I hope so ,I hope this election swings the country in a more libertarian mood.
I'll vote next Tuesday. Mark and scan. Buy some bakery stuff from the kids outside.
Sisyphus's Avatar
Bravo, Oliva, bravo!!!!

It takes a dedicated citizen to wait in line to vote early!!!

Not being one of those anymore, I think I'll wait for the duly appointed hour to castigate myself for voting for any of the donkeys on our ticket!
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
I voted Saturday morning with a steady flow of voters in a Denton County polling place
I think I'll wait for the duly appointed hour to castigate myself for voting for any of the donkeys on our ticket! Originally Posted by Sisyphus
If its Nancey's donkey's why don't you stay home and have a beer. Nobody will mind.
discreetgent's Avatar
The basic analysis on early voting is that there is still not enough data out there from previous elections to make any real prediction on which way early voting is going. Early voting helped Bush in 200 and 2004, it helped Democrats in 2006 and 2008. Here is a link to 538 blog on NYT - 538 is a real good website on this stuff, objective statistically wherever it is published.


burkalini's Avatar
It doesn't matter when you vote as long as you do. Get off the chair and go do it!!!!!!!
I too voted early. I am in a sea of red out here and voted my blue card just as a duty!

Hats off to the volunteers that man these stations. Mostly older people and I love their involvement in the process.

I think this election just might be some "rope a dope" strategy. Hoping cooler heads prevail when you vote in private.
The basic analysis on early voting is that there is still not enough data out there from previous elections to make any real prediction on which way early voting is going. Early voting helped Bush in 200 and 2004, it helped Democrats in 2006 and 2008. Here is a link to 538 blog on NYT - 538 is a real good website on this stuff, objective statistically wherever it is published.


http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes...ra-skepticism/ Originally Posted by discreetgent
And they are calling it 230R, 205D - a 52 seat pickup. Buh-bye Nancy!

I just had a great idea. We could make a nice dent in the deficit it we put Nancy's eviction from the Speakers office on pay per view. Maybe let people pay extra to have someone throw her shit out in the alley -- like on one of those cam sites where the girls do stuff for a fee.
Remember all, to vote early and vote often!
And they are calling it 230R, 205D - a 52 seat pickup. Buh-bye Nancy!

I just had a great idea. We could make a nice dent in the deficit it we put Nancy's eviction from the Speakers office on pay per view. Maybe let people pay extra to have someone throw her shit out in the alley -- like on one of those cam sites where the girls do stuff for a fee. Originally Posted by pjorourke
That's funny!
atlcomedy's Avatar
After having to wait in line with all the idiots voting for hope & change in '08 I'm all about absentee ballot voting. Fill it out, drop in the mail & your done.
After having to wait in line with all the idiots voting for hope & change in '08 I'm all about absentee ballot voting. Fill it out, drop in the mail & your done. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I just had a great idea. We could make a nice dent in the deficit it we put Nancy's eviction from the Speakers office on pay per view. Maybe let people pay extra to have someone throw her shit out in the alley -- like on one of those cam sites where the girls do stuff for a fee. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Please give Nancy time. Remember the pledge she made upon taking the speaker's gavel in January 2007?

41-second Video Clip

Nancy's still working on it; she's been speaker for less than four years. Her heart's in the right place.

Isn't it?