Help me make this viral folks

This is a list of American businesses that have factories in Mexico. It has become apparent that our government lacks the will or the fortitude to bring our Marine home. Andrew Tahmooressi has been subjected to torture, threats of violence, and unlawful incarceration for months now.

Our President can find all the time in the world to play endless rounds of golf, but can't find the time to make even a single phone call to secure his release. He can find the gall to release 5 high level detainees in exchange for a traitor, but doesn't have the backbone to bring home a soldier who served his country with honor and distinction.

But we are not powerless. Not only can we vote at the voting booth, we can vote with our wallets as well. Please join me in sending a message to the following companies that we will not continue to spend our hard earned dollars on those businesses who continue to do business with a country that assaults and tortures our soldiers.

Coca Cola
Proctor and Gamble
General Electric
Frito Lay
General Motors
Ford Motor Company

This list is far from a complete list of every company operating out of Mexico, but it is a good start. Together, lets bring our Marine home. Thanks.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Girl, you could only make it fungal...
Way to put partisan bullshit ahead of the welfare of a soldier.
Sgt Andrew Tahmooressi is in a Mexican Prison because he violated Mexican Law.

He is subject to their Judicial System. It is really that simple.
That doesn't justify abusing him. Nor does it justify our government making no effort whatsoever to secure his release.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-03-2014, 04:55 PM
Way to put partisan bullshit ahead of the welfare of a soldier. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Whether it is this topic or any other--as soon as it is posted in this forum it devolves into partisan Wacko bashing. If someone says days are typically 24 hours long, the "other" side would find an excuse to disagree.

You probably would have gotten a more positive--and civil--response if you had posted it in the Sandbox.

I am not saying that is the way things SHOULD be, but it definitely is the way it is.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How the heck was my comment partisan? Bullshit maybe, but partisan? Get a fucking grip, girl.

If you're looking to take a post "viral," you might have picked a smarter place to do it. Whether you could, however, is another issue.

I could have called you an ignorant Slunt, but didn't.

So there!
This is a list of American businesses that have factories in Mexico. It has become apparent that our government lacks the will or the fortitude to bring our Marine home. Andrew Tahmooressi has been subjected to torture, threats of violence, and unlawful incarceration for months now.

Our President can find all the time in the world to play endless rounds of golf, but can't find the time to make even a single phone call to secure his release. He can find the gall to release 5 high level detainees in exchange for a traitor, but doesn't have the backbone to bring home a soldier who served his country with honor and distinction.

But we are not powerless. Not only can we vote at the voting booth, we can vote with our wallets as well. Please join me in sending a message to the following companies that we will not continue to spend our hard earned dollars on those businesses who continue to do business with a country that assaults and tortures our soldiers.

Coca Cola
Proctor and Gamble
General Electric
Frito Lay
General Motors
Ford Motor Company

This list is far from a complete list of every company operating out of Mexico, but it is a good start. Together, lets bring our Marine home. Thanks. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh

Count me in! I vote with my dollar all the time... every time.
How the heck was my comment partisan? Bullshit maybe, but partisan? Get a fucking grip, girl.

If you're looking to take a post "viral," you might have picked a smarter place to do it.

I could have called you an ignorant Slunt, but didn't.

So there! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Bitch please. You will co-sign anything that comes out of the mouth of someone you like, and poo poo anything that comes from someone you don't like. You are just a brainless partisan hack.

You don't think this was the only place I posted this do you? I posted this to a few different sites. I put it here so that others can pass it along as well. Never underestimate the power of the American consumer.

Lastly, feel free to call me whatever you like. Just don't expect me to cry over it.

General Motors Corporate Office
General Motors Corporate Office Address

General Motors Company
300 Renaissance Center
Detroit, MI 48265
Contact General Motors

Phone Number: (313) 556-5000
Fax Number: (313) 556-5108
Email: Email General Motors
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The fact that he is a soldier in totally irevelent.

Only a dumb ass would try and cross the border carrying a gun.
Alcohol helps.
I B Hankering's Avatar
FYI folks, SGT Andrew Tahmooressi is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran: once a Marine always a Marine ... not a soldier. I respect Lt Cdr Montel Williams' attempts to have this Marine released.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Bitch please. You will co-sign anything that comes out of the mouth of someone you like, and poo poo anything that comes from someone you don't like. You are just a brainless partisan hack.

You don't think this was the only place I posted this do you? I posted this to a few different sites. I put it here so that others can pass it along as well. Never underestimate the power of the American consumer.

Lastly, feel free to call me whatever you like. Just don't expect me to cry over it. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
OK, so explain how that is PARTISAN? Are you as ignorant as you seem?

I don't really care if you cry over anything I say, though I don't mean to make you cry.

However, I do know that if I called you tomorrow and made a date, that you'd be grabbing your ankles in a second.

That said, girl, how is anything that I have posted in this thread in any way PARTISAN?

You can keep telling yourself that you could get a date with me. That doesn't make it so. Personally, I don't understand women who will take any date, no matter who the guy is. Not all money is good money.

Now back to the topic at hand - nice attempt at Dodging and Deflecting. Have you read your signature lately?