Time for me to go UTR...

I wanted to let everyone know that I will still be around and can be reached via Google voice and email if wanting to get together, but will not be posting as much anymore. Time for me to adapt more to normal things coming my way and less on being full time in the hobby. I'm still interested in meeting new people and seeing old friends as well, the only difference is my time will be limited.

My traveling will also cease to minimal, if I can break away.

Be good everyone and stay safe!
Addison39401's Avatar
Wishing you luck
plainjoe's Avatar
Good luck to you...I'll miss reading/reading your posts.
Wishing you the best. You will be sorely missed here on the board.
Stay in touch.

Big AL
Have fun & enjoy the fruits of your labor!

Farewell, Flora!
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Your posts have always been a pleasure to read. Best of luck.
coast_encounter's Avatar
Best of Luck Flora !! Cheers luv.
vicinms's Avatar
Hope things work out great for you!