Favorite Horror Movies?

Okay, Halloween is right around the corner and we have alot of non-stop horror movies playing on just about every channel. I was flipping channels and landed on the original "Halloween". I first caught this movie in a theatre when I was a Freshman in High School. If I remember correctly, we were partaking in the wacky weed that evening which enhanced the big scare moments. I do recall at the first tense scene my date propelling the popcorn skywards and simultaneously dumping her super-sized soda in my lap. Then she had the nerve to laugh as I frantically tried to dry off the crotch of my big bell Levi's with a dirty butter covered napkin. I insisted she make up for those misqueue later in the evening.

Anyway, after re-watching "Halloween" I was amazed how great this low budget film was, and how little it relied on blood and guts as the newer horror flicks seem to do. Anybody else got any favs from back in the day, or anything newer that you might of caught recently? I'll throw a few out there that made an impact on me in my youth:

1) Halloween (I and II)
2) The Thing (1982)
3) Jacob's Ladder
4) Alien
5) The Howling
Okay I love all the Freddie Cougars and I love all the Chuckies. I actually bought 2 life size bride of Chuckie and Chuckie himself. I get them out every Halloween. Big fan of anything horror.
Great question at the best time of year. Here we go:

1) Texas Chainsaw Massacre (best title ever for a horror movie)--still have the claw marks on my arm from the poor girl sitting next to me, whoever she was

2) Dawn of the Dead--first real serious zombie flick I ever saw. A gooey mess.

3) Re-Animator---Barbara Crampton. End of story.

4) From Beyond--see Number 3

5) Aliens--the rare "better than the original" sequel, although many may disagree

6) The Simple Life--anything with Paris Hilton in it should send you running from the theatre in horror

7) Let Me In--playing in the theatres now. Best horror flick in years. Check it out.

8) The Exorcist--um, what more needs to be said?
hannibal lector.....love him....not really a horror movie, but it still gives out a very creppy vibe
Guest042715's Avatar
Now your talking, what no Exorcist. scariest movie ever back when it came out.

Dusk till Dawn

Any Evil Dead movie. (just bought all three)
Iaintliein's Avatar
Army of Darkness

"klaatu barada niiiiieiigigngnngnelesh ugh"
1. Alien
2. Aliens
3. Silence of the Lambs
4. Rocky Horror Picture Show
JohnJohn's Avatar
Long before these movies was "Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark" starring Kim Darby. By today's standards it's not a blood n guts horror film but it scared the f*cking piss outta me as a little kid.

Gotta go with the Halloween I and II and the Exorcist also.
Okay I love all the Freddie Cougars Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Actually Tara, I believe it was "Krueger", but "Cougar" does make more sense with those claws of his. . .LOL

hannibal lector.....love him....not really a horror movie, but it still gives out a very creppy vibe Originally Posted by babydollsnow
Yeah, psychological thriller for sure, but the whole eating people, peeling off someone's face and wearing it as a mask, making a woman-suit out of the skin of dead women qualifies as horror to me. I don't know who was creepier though, Lector or Buffalo Bill.

5) Aliens--the rare "better than the original" sequel, although many may disagree Originally Posted by TexasT
I loved that one a well, but thought it more of a SciFi action flick than horror flick. One of James Cameron's best.
The English Patient...I screamed thru every waking moment.

...and my wedding video. The Horror, the Horror!
The Exorcist is far and away the scariest movie for me. I saw for the first time in 1980 and I still have the occasional nightmare.

Other movies that were creepy...

The Shining

The Blair Witch Project (I was led to believe it was a documentary and I saw it by myself late one night. By the end of the movie, I was freaked out by everything.)

Pet Semetary (The book, not the movie. I couldn't put it down. There was something very creepy in the way Stephen King wrote about the guy digging up his son's body.)

These three slasher flicks have been re-made but the originals are better in my opinion. When I was 14 or 15, they were fun to watch with a date and they're still entertaining to watch now.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
Friday the 13th (1980)
Friday the 13th II (1981)