Capitalism Hits the Fan!

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
This new video is very informative and explains the reasons for our current financial crisis in this country. Please watch and share:
This new video is very informative and explains the reasons for our current financial crisis in this country. Please watch and share: Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie

I'd love to watch a mud wrestling contest between you and SOF. Too personal? How about the Octagon cage fight. You'd take her.
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Here is another video by the same economist. Please share:
boardman's Avatar
Define Capitalism in your own words Debbie.
Don't cut and paste or plagiarize. Just tell us what you think that word means.
Assuming you are not managed aren't you the ultimate Capitalist?
LowRider69's Avatar
Define Capitalism in your own words Debbie.
Don't cut and paste or plagiarize. Just tell us what you think that word means.
Assuming you are not managed aren't you the ultimate Capitalist? Originally Posted by boardman
She can't even count to 2 when she takes her bra off.....
boardman's Avatar
She can't even count to 2 when she takes her bra off..... Originally Posted by LowRider69
IDK, Would that be considered medical speculation or mathematically challenged?
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
IDK, Would that be considered medical speculation or mathematically challenged? Originally Posted by boardman
Mathematically challenged for sure! Does this poster see or watch anything besides "Fox News"???

Another video that I am sure most democratic people would love to watch. By the way, he is an accomplsihed professor and knows what he is talking about. Why does the working class just sit back and take it???
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Define Capitalism in your own words Debbie.
Don't cut and paste or plagiarize. Just tell us what you think that word means.
Assuming you are not managed aren't you the ultimate Capitalist? Originally Posted by boardman
"Corporations and the super rich make their own rules. . .despite what it does to us common folk. I call it lack of moral integrity or lack of compassion for those who do their bidding."

A quote I just made up!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Not a bad quote for how "capitalism" is practiced today. Simply add that the super rich and corporations (and banks) enforce the rules they make up through government, and you're spot on.
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Not a bad quote for how "capitalism" is practiced today. Simply add that the super rich and corporations (and banks) enforce the rules they make up through government, and you're spot on. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I learned a long time ago how the rich make it more profitable for their own selfish values...that is destroying democracy! Please vote and do not give up. . .we are the people and we have the numbers

Who knows? I may run for president! I did run for vice president in high school (with my bra off). . .
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HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
I learned a long time ago how the rich make it more profitable for their own selfish values...that is destroying democracy! Please vote and do not give up. . .we are the people and we have the numbers

Who knows? I may run for president! I did run for vice president in high school (with my bra off). . . Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
Maybe I should work for AIG,,,I certaintly do a lot of publicity and marketing for that sorry group of "a..holes". . .could I make it any more explicit.???"
LowRider69's Avatar
I learned a long time ago how the rich make it more profitable for their own selfish values...that is destroying democracy! Please vote and do not give up. . .we are the people and we have the numbers

Who knows? I may run for president! I did run for vice president in high school (with my bra off). . . Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
The middle class and poor have even more selfish values....they want free stuff paid for by other people.....that is immoral....

working toward your self interest is natural, why criticize anyone for it?.....seems only the lazy and stupid complain about people working for their self interest.....
LowRider69's Avatar
Maybe I should work for AIG,,,I certaintly do a lot of publicity and marketing for that sorry group of "a..holes". . .could I make it any more explicit.???" Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
Work for AIG?! What is your experience and qualific.............NEVERMIND !!!!!
boardman's Avatar
"Corporations and the super rich make their own rules. . .despite what it does to us common folk. I call it lack of moral integrity or lack of compassion for those who do their bidding."

A quote I just made up! Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie

That's not capitalism that's greed they are not the same.
A capitalist seeks to make money risking his own money as the catalyst. His risk his reward. Do some abuse that, of course they do. Instead of punishing abusers our government has taken the risk away and in turn demanded compliance. That is not Capitalism that is Crony Capitalism. Government risk Crony reward. See how that works? Greed is human nature. I don't know why people continue to think they can legislate morality. All we can do is punish immorality but we can't even fucking decide on what is immoral.

Let me put it another way. Like said before you are the ultimate capitalist. You fuck for bucks. You reap the rewards from the risks you take.

Now let's say a pimp comes to you and tells you he wants to manage your business. He holds a gun to your head and gives you some pills to take that will help make you compliant. He just want to make sure you are safe and help you get business but in turn for that security he is providing he expects you to do certain things. He will set your rates per session, and he will decide how many sessions per week you need to do. He may provide you with the basic necessities of life but they probably aren't up to the standards of what independent girls are used to because he has other ladies to support and protect. They all get treated equally even though some of them are better fucks than others.
Now let's say that pimp is the government. Welcome to socialism!
I B Hankering's Avatar
That's not capitalism that's greed they are not the same.
A capitalist seeks to make money risking his own money as the catalyst. His risk his reward. Do some abuse that, of course they do. Instead of punishing abusers our government has taken the risk away and in turn demanded compliance. That is not Capitalism that is Crony Capitalism. Government risk Crony reward. See how that works? Greed is human nature. I don't know why people continue to think they can legislate morality. All we can do is punish immorality but we can't even fucking decide on what is immoral.

Let me put it another way. Like said before you are the ultimate capitalist. You fuck for bucks. You reap the rewards from the risks you take.

Now let's say a pimp comes to you and tells you he wants to manage your business. He holds a gun to your head and gives you some pills to take that will help make you compliant. He just want to make sure you are safe and help you get business but in turn for that security he is providing he expects you to do certain things. He will set your rates per session, and he will decide how many sessions per week you need to do. He may provide you with the basic necessities of life but they probably aren't up to the standards of what independent girls are used to because he has other ladies to support and protect. They all get treated equally even though some of them are better fucks than others.
Now let's say that pimp is the government. Welcome to socialism! Originally Posted by boardman
Great analogy.