Liberalism: A Culture of Incompetence

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A Culture of Incompetence

By Bruce Walker
Obama’s left never accepts responsibility for anything. Weaned on the sour milk of thuggish, tenured academicians and marinated in the surreal stew of lawyer-land, the odd creatures that infest our White House have no notion of work or honor or duty. This manifests itself in different ways.
Mendacity has been elevated almost to a secular religion. Obama, his officials, his armies of minor minions prevaricate with such aplomb that one wonders if they truly know when they are lying or telling the truth. The disgraceful trail of obfuscations, dissimulations, and quarter-truths are invariably defended by the administration’s flacks with the mantra “we have seen no evidence.” Of course we have not! The evidence has been destroyed or hidden or lied about.

Politicians lie, of course, and have as long as government has been around, but the sheer audacity of fabrications (the video that “caused” the Benghazi attack) rise to the level of Orwellian thought control, compounded by the utter indifference of the establishment media to calling out these lies.
Profound isolation from the governed is also a hallmark of our pathetic president and his hapless helpers. How could Obama, with a straight face, adopt Reagan’s “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” line and assume that ordinary folk would yip for joy?
But the starkest manifestation is the culture of incompetence that pervades everything surrounding Obama and his friends. The botched rollout of Obamacare, for example, led naturally to more noisy activity and more hilarious promises – but these are precisely the sorts of things Obama considers real work. The hideous crimes of the Veterans Administration, carbuncles that even candidate Obama noted when he ran for president, suit him better unchanged, because that allows him to claim future victories against malfeasance and maliciousness in the VA.
Obama and the left desperately need intolerable incompetence to infest every crevice of American life. When things work well, who needs these people? This is transparently clear and well understood, at least by sensible people, but a more opaque truth is the nasty fact that when leftists produce competent and honest governance, the demand for leftists drops just as much.
Pain, misery, despair, confusion, hopelessness, and fear are the only sustenance of leftists. All but the most diabolical leftists refuse to chant the old black magic of Bolshevism. And here are the precise linguistic formulations of those Marxist spells: “The worse, the better” and “The more innocent, the more guilty.”
So Obama and his cabal instead graciously embrace a slovenly, casual, and dismissive incompetence. They plow, they seed, and they sow a culture of incompetence. Obama has surrounded himself with the most breathtakingly banal and ignorant and dull-witted caste of retainers of any president in our nation’s history. His own utter lack of any executive experience – or, indeed, any experience at all in any productive work for which he could be held accountable by anyone – simply blesses the inevitable incompetence, errors, idiocies, and boneheaded blunders that seem to follow every step he takes.
The Frankenstein quilt-work of his presidency, a haphazard glop of minor disasters and serial deceptions, has now become a true monster. As Prime Minister Netanyahu has tried to tell him, a nuclear Iran may mean our end, or at least great cities in radioactive smolders. As doctors have doubtless told him privately, pandemics can slaughter huge chunks of mankind and dissolve civilization. As even a Democrat stalwart like Panetta seems to have told him, radical Islam on the march is another world war.
His frantic Democrats may even now be trying to end his sleepwalking, at least in time to preserve their chance at electing his successor. Surely none of this really matters to him at all. The worship of failure, the culture of incompetence, is deeply rooted in the sort of transcendent nihilism that is the lightless soul of leftism today. Obama is simply its present avatar.

Obama’s left never accepts responsibility for anything. Weaned on the sour milk of thuggish, tenured academicians and marinated in the surreal stew of lawyer-land, the odd creatures that infest our White House have no notion of work or honor or duty. This manifests itself in different ways.
Mendacity has been elevated almost to a secular religion. Obama, his officials, his armies of minor minions prevaricate with such aplomb that one wonders if they truly know when they are lying or telling the truth. The disgraceful trail of obfuscations, dissimulations, and quarter-truths are invariably defended by the administration’s flacks with the mantra “we have seen no evidence.” Of course we have not! The evidence has been destroyed or hidden or lied about.
Politicians lie, of course, and have as long as government has been around, but the sheer audacity of fabrications (the video that “caused” the Benghazi attack) rise to the level of Orwellian thought control, compounded by the utter indifference of the establishment media to calling out these lies.
Profound isolation from the governed is also a hallmark of our pathetic president and his hapless helpers. How could Obama, with a straight face, adopt Reagan’s “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” line and assume that ordinary folk would yip for joy?

But the starkest manifestation is the culture of incompetence that pervades everything surrounding Obama and his friends. The botched rollout of Obamacare, for example, led naturally to more noisy activity and more hilarious promises – but these are precisely the sorts of things Obama considers real work. The hideous crimes of the Veterans Administration, carbuncles that even candidate Obama noted when he ran for president, suit him better unchanged, because that allows him to claim future victories against malfeasance and maliciousness in the VA.
Obama and the left desperately need intolerable incompetence to infest every crevice of American life. When things work well, who needs these people? This is transparently clear and well understood, at least by sensible people, but a more opaque truth is the nasty fact that when leftists produce competent and honest governance, the demand for leftists drops just as much.
Pain, misery, despair, confusion, hopelessness, and fear are the only sustenance of leftists. All but the most diabolical leftists refuse to chant the old black magic of Bolshevism. And here are the precise linguistic formulations of those Marxist spells: “The worse, the better” and “The more innocent, the more guilty.”
So Obama and his cabal instead graciously embrace a slovenly, casual, and dismissive incompetence. They plow, they seed, and they sow a culture of incompetence. Obama has surrounded himself with the most breathtakingly banal and ignorant and dull-witted caste of retainers of any president in our nation’s history. His own utter lack of any executive experience – or, indeed, any experience at all in any productive work for which he could be held accountable by anyone – simply blesses the inevitable incompetence, errors, idiocies, and boneheaded blunders that seem to follow every step he takes.
The Frankenstein quilt-work of his presidency, a haphazard glop of minor disasters and serial deceptions, has now become a true monster. As Prime Minister Netanyahu has tried to tell him, a nuclear Iran may mean our end, or at least great cities in radioactive smolders. As doctors have doubtless told him privately, pandemics can slaughter huge chunks of mankind and dissolve civilization. As even a Democrat stalwart like Panetta seems to have told him, radical Islam on the march is another world war.
His frantic Democrats may even now be trying to end his sleepwalking, at least in time to preserve their chance at electing his successor. Surely none of this really matters to him at all. The worship of failure, the culture of incompetence, is deeply rooted in the sort of transcendent nihilism that is the lightless soul of leftism today. Obama is simply its present avatar.

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TheDaliLama's Avatar
You are so cool
You are so cool Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
You are such a ass kisser...LMAO
boardman's Avatar
This is what I've been saying. Incompetence does not manifest itself from the ground. A good leader will stop incompetence in it's tracks even throwing the baby out with the bath water if that's what's needed.
A poor leader embraces incompetence, he surrounds himself with incompetent people to make himself appear smarter than he actually is.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-07-2014, 11:23 AM
This is what I've been saying. Incompetence does not manifest itself from the ground. A good leader will stop incompetence in it's tracks even throwing the baby out with the bath water if that's what's needed.
A poor leader embraces incompetence, he surrounds himself with incompetent people to make himself appear smarter than he actually is. Originally Posted by boardman
Please rank the 'good leaders' from the Presidential post since 1972.

a desperate grasping at government as the source for one's succor, in times of good or bad, when government has repeatedly been shown to be populated by greedy, lackadaisical, too ugly to be movie stars so this will have to do, self-enrichers without hard work scalawags, from the civil service to the top rungs, reflects poorly upon the democrat voter

the real issue is a denial of the human condition by liberals, that people are self serving in any case. of course a base tenet of liberalism is to deny human nature in its many manifestations, but to rely on government as the panacea for one's failures or fears is idiotic.

in free enterprise, since each person is furthering themselves, and the only way to do so is please others, well the stark contrast between free enterprise and government is readily apparent. and no, i'm not talking about big corporate crony capitalism

would you rather be served by someone making a dollar off you when you can go next door to his competitor or get in line at some government office where they are all in the back room adding to their individual yellow legal pads another hash mark for the tracking of sick days they get paid for before the end of december
boardman's Avatar
Please rank the 'good leaders' from the Presidential post since 1972.

Originally Posted by WTF
In terms of competence?

6. Bush Jr.
6. Bush Sr.
6. Carter
6. Ford
6. Obama
6. Reagan

Alphabetical order was the best I could do.
What are your rankings?

Shit, I forgot our first black president. Clinton should go between Carter and Obama.
This is what I've been saying. Incompetence does not manifest itself from the ground. A good leader will stop incompetence in it's tracks even throwing the baby out with the bath water if that's what's needed.
A poor leader embraces incompetence, he surrounds himself with incompetent people to make himself appear smarter than he actually is. Originally Posted by boardman
Not a single one of you will ever be able to convince the WORLD community at large that Bush was more competent than Obama. Not a person outside of your ideology will ever believe it. You guys have some nerve talking about incompetence after Bush. LOL. Yall are funny as fuck.
In terms of competence?

6. Bush Jr.
6. Bush Sr.
6. Carter
6. Ford
6. Obama
6. Reagan

Alphabetical order was the best I could do.
What are your rankings? Originally Posted by boardman
Reagan - was an amnesty giver and international terrorist supporter.
boardman's Avatar
Reagan - was an amnesty giver and international terrorist supporter. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
I'll give you terrorist supporter but the amnesty was given based on a compromise and a promise not kept.
I B Hankering's Avatar

Not a single one of you will ever be able to convince the WORLD community at large that Bush was more competent than Obama. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Odumbo did that all by himself, zany. No further convincing is necessary.
I'll give you terrorist supporter but the amnesty was given based on a compromise and a promise not kept. Originally Posted by boardman
You will also concede that as a conservative he granted amnesty to ~3 million people..

And he supported international terrorists and yet you and your pals argue the content of Obama's character. Ohh my.
boardman's Avatar
You will also concede that as a conservative he granted amnesty to ~3 million people..

And he supported international terrorists and yet you and your pals argue the content of Obama's character. Ohh my. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Can you fucking read?
I did concede that he granted amnesty albeit based on a broken promise during a compromise. It's the reason we can't get anywhere today. No one will stick their toe in the water first for fear of getting pushed in.
The deal was secure the border and I'll grant amnesty. Reagan did his part Congress failed to do theirs. It's a source of contention about the whole immigration solution to this day. Or don't you remember?
Can you fucking read?
I did concede that he granted amnesty albeit based on a broken promise during a compromise. It's the reason we can't get anywhere today. No one will stick their toe in the water first for fear of getting pushed in.
The deal was secure the border and I'll grant amnesty. Reagan did his part Congress failed to do theirs. It's a source of contention about the whole immigration solution to this day. Or don't you remember? Originally Posted by boardman
Please spare me the qualifier. Save the excuses because you make NO allowances for Obama. Stop being a hypocrite. When contemplating what we should do today shouldn't we be asking ourselves the question: "What would Reagan do?"