Hope for the Homeless Holiday Drive

Dear Providers & Gentlemen of leisure,

It is impossible to not notice the staggering Homeless population as you travel through downtown Dallas and Fort Worth. There are so many
in need, and while there are numerous resources for shelter and food, the homeless have limited resurces for clothing, toiletries & bedding.
During the months of October through January, some of friends and church family are going to hit the streets with an outreach program in Dallas to give them HOPE for the Holidays!!! This is a subject very near to my heart, because I once lived at one of the largest shelters in north Texas after I was assaulted and badly beaten. If you would like to donate to the cause here is a list of items we are looking for!!! please contact me via pm and we will work out a way to meet!!!!

men & women's items needed, they can be used or new!!!
_- hats of any kind & gloves
- jackets and coats
-long & short sleeve t-shirts
- jeans & khakis no dress clothes
- mens long sleeve button down shirts
- socks & underwear
-sweat shirts, sweat pants or jump suits
-sweaters of any kind
- towels, sheets, sleeping bags
- hygiene products (deoderant shampoo soap toothbrushes toothpaste)
- travel bags of any kind
Be a Blessing this holiday season for a great cause!!!

It's a good cause, and very cool of you to want to help out.
Oh yes and how could I forget ....BLANKETS!!!!
Tickle's Avatar
Oh yes and how could I forget ....BLANKETS!!!! Originally Posted by kianna pleasure
It would be easier on the people that really needed help if the slacker cunts that beg all day then drive off to their homes with a couple hundred dollars every day weren't making people so jaded and skeptical.
well the people i am helping arent getting money and they arent soliciting on the corners!! we are helping people wh olive at the Bridge through an outreach organization in Dallas!!! these people live under bridges and outside in the open!!!! no homes or cars !!! feel free to come and volunteer if you would like!! we would luv to have any help we can get!!
This is great I volunteer at one the shelters and is a cherity of mine let me see what I have I have children clothing too as well. I was once there when I first came here after Katrina my heart goes out to all theses people too hugs girl.
well the people i am helping arent getting money and they arent soliciting on the corners!! we are helping people wh olive at the Bridge through an outreach organization in Dallas!!! these people live under bridges and outside in the open!!!! no homes or cars !!! feel free to come and volunteer if you would like!! we would luv to have any help we can get!! Originally Posted by kianna pleasure
No expert here, most of the folks you see on the street.... They are there for a reason.


There are way, I mean way too many options for these less fortunate people to be on the streets.
They find a shelter..... There are rules to be followed.
They cannot just go hang out in a shelter, they have to attend classes and group meetings. They are put on a schedule, to try and help them improve their situation. The ones that do want the help, I am all for that.

The Bums that feed off people that pretend they care.... It is like feeding pigeons, they will always return to the place where they found the easiest meal.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
There's one born every minute, so I've heard.
I don't believe many who are homeless truly want to be - they're not all alcoholics, drug addicts, or lazy. Think many people are in a tough situation only days or weeks after an unexpected job loss. Could happen to many of us - I've always felt very blessed for everything I've got.

Sadly, as stated above, many scammers have made many hesitant to help.

KP kudos for trying to do the right thing and YDLS - glad you're in a better situation now.

thanks easy i was there once to YDLS after i was badly beaten, and no i didnt want to be there, some of these people have lost hope and faith in themselves!! Some of them have unbelievable stories, I have spent quite a lot of time volunteering at Solomon's porch ...it is one thing to ask for money, it is another to donate your unwanted things instead of throwing them away!! One's mans trash is another mans treasure!! Just to see the look on the face of a person in need when he or she receives a pair of used sneakers WITH NO HOLES IN THE SOLES or a pair of clean socks or a warm coat is heart warming..
thanks easy i was there once to YDLS after i was badly beaten, and no i didnt want to be there, some of these people have lost hope and faith in themselves!! Some of them have unbelievable stories, I have spent quite a lot of time volunteering at Solomon's porch ...it is one thing to ask for money, it is another to donate your unwanted things instead of throwing them away!! One's mans trash is another mans treasure!! Just to see the look on the face of a person in need when he or she receives a pair of used sneakers WITH NO HOLES IN THE SOLES or a pair of clean socks or a warm coat is heart warming.. Originally Posted by kianna pleasure
I have a ton of clothes and shoes sitting in my garage to donate! Thank you for posting this KP.
thank you THN just call me or pm me il come pic them up orwe canmeet somewhere, ty for helping out!!!!!!
TexasCowboy's Avatar
Kianna.....When you are in the Irving area let me know and we can meet, will help with men's clothes....
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I don't believe many who are homeless truly want to be - they're not all alcoholics, drug addicts, or lazy. Think many people are in a tough situation only days or weeks after an unexpected job loss. Could happen to many of us - I've always felt very blessed for everything I've got.

Sadly, as stated above, many scammers have made many hesitant to help.

KP kudos for trying to do the right thing and YDLS - glad you're in a better situation now.

Originally Posted by EasyLover214
There is a little special place in my heart for the homeless, although I can understand everyone's argument to the contrary.

I would guess, and it's a pretty good guess, that there are plenty of us who are just a rent payment, or two, from being homeless.

From my understanding, and I've been around the block a few times, over 50% of the homeless in Dallas are very young. Children/teenagers.

Making blanket statements about the "condition" of these people, especially when you (not you, easylover, I'm speaking in general) don't personally know any homeless people (or have never known them), seems arrogant at best.