I hope you don't mind me putting this question in your post, but I was wondering about something. I'm a newbie too. I've only seen on provider. I'm curious to know what providers want to know about a potential client. Is it just to make sure the client isn't dangerous/abusive or a jerk or won't try to rip them off, or do they also want to know how you look and how you perform? Just curious.
Incidentally, I sent a text message to the provider I saw asking if it was okay to give her name and phone number to another provider as a reference, and she replied back that I didn't need to ask, to just do it. I wasn't sure about the etiquette of asking a provider to be a reference. I guess there isn't any.
Originally Posted by klm
I'm "semi" newbie friendly. My screening is a little intensive and has scared off some people before. No one will post what we ladies normally require because then it just gives unsafe gentlemen the the chance to doctor up the required info. We ask all the info from newbies because we are making sure we have a good chance of returning home with the agreed fee, no bruises/broken bones, and our lives.
As for references, how detailed the reference is depends on the girl. Generally we won't say anything if someone is bad in bed but some will let someone know if they are in for a great time. Girls also ask for physical descriptions from other providers to make sure that a hobbyist's handle wasn't hijacked and the person they are about to see is the same person the provider giving the reference saw herself.
Unless the provider specifically states "use me as a reference" or is known for being reference friendly then make sure you clear it with her first.