Donation question for the Ladies

giantbourbon's Avatar
I've always been curious about something: How do you prefer your donation? Obviously real, spendable US cash, but do you like it in hundreds (takes up less space) 20s (easier and more discreet to spend) or does it not matter? I assume you don't want a bunch of fives and ones, but I could be wrong...
Open and spread
placed on side
table near bed.
Part 100bill &
Folded $ is hard
to count with
visual glance.
Open and spread
placed on side
table near bed.
Part 100bill &
Folded $ is hard
to count with
visual glance. Originally Posted by siberias land
I like it part big
Bills and 20's
Cuz some gas
stations won't
take a $100 bill.
With me it doesn't matter
DallasRain's Avatar
as long as it is all there....anyway ya like baby! lol
Denominations are for the most part irrelevant. But if someone paid in mostly $5 or $1 bills, I'd think he was a jerk.
LA Man's Avatar
[QUOTE=siberias land;1055936257]
Open and spread-yes I like providers legs like that
placed on side table near bed- haven't tried there but willing to!

Folded-brings a visual glance.

Oh wait, the original question was for the ladies....