Food for thought...

First off let me say how excited i am to be here. Making Houston my home is a great feeling. Being single on top of it is an even better perk!

It may be odd to some people but i don't think you guys you outrageously charged for simple things being included on time spent together. In example if I'm with a client, especially one that i enjoy i don't mind going out to drink or what ever your fancy may be. I love enjoying my time on dates and not always making it the same old thing.

Why would you want to see a girl whose got an agenda and that agenda is made abundantly clear by how the session goes....ok lets do this check, this check, check check.....yikes! i guess if your into that more power to you. But not me, hell there's been a few rare occasions where I've clicked with first time clients better then I've clicked with someone in my personal life....Crazy how life works....

Also, it's my honest opinion that the "hobby" is whatever you want it to be. So when people try and say it's a type of business that should be ran a certain way well they're nutz because MY business is not the same as YOUR business!

Hakuna Mata!!
Okay ... thank you.
Uh huh.. Very interesting concept and thoughts.
tbone77494's Avatar
I'm very simple minded - are you saying eating and drinking are off the clock with you, as long as you click?
As Tbone asked. If I like to have like a regular date with dinner and drinks, would you charge only for the time spent in the bedroom? Or perhaps work something out to compensate you? The only reason I ask is because sometimes an "escort" really is used as an escort to an event.
If a client wanted to have a regular date im not saying i would do it free of charge but i think $50 per hour of non bedroom time is reasonable. Especially if your factoring in drive time depending on where the client is located. I just know i've seen girls wanting a heck of alot of money for things rather simple! Guess i just run things differently!
I'm this an ad?
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Not if she post taint..... or exposed breast.
I'm this an ad? Originally Posted by jazzguy

No it's not i'm just simply stating what i think.
No it's not i'm just simply stating what i think. Originally Posted by Anna Berle
You do have an interesting concept.
I may talk at you more about it in pm.
I think posting things like this gives those (who care to know) a better understanding of how a provider thinks. In doing so, will show how she carries herself not only as a provider but as a person in the real world (aka the fake world we live in on a day to day basis)
No it's not i'm just simply stating what i think. Originally Posted by Anna Berle
Yep, liquor store or not.... You are a keeper!

Yep, liquor store or not.... You are a keeper!

Hehehe! Originally Posted by lookn4boobies

What do you need baby? You want the moon? I will tie a lasso around it and get it for you!
rduke4923's Avatar
What do you need baby? You want the moon? I will tie a lasso around it and get it for you! Originally Posted by Anna Berle
"Mary don't ya know me?"I really like the spirit of the original post.
Just a lil nookie... No ropes