If only.

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
No Matter, Never Mind

The Father is the Void
The Wife Waves

Their child is Matter.

Matter makes it with his mother
And their child is Life,
a daughter.

The Daughter is the Great Mother
Who, with her father/brother Matter
as her lover,

Gives birth to the Mind.

by Gary Snyder

If only
thoughts and words
could fearlessly flow.

I beseech you,
stay silent
there will be plenty of time for sadness.

Let me have this
let my mind imagine,
what life cannot give me.
Ring the bells that still can ring;
Forget your perfect offering;
There's a crack in everything;
That's how the light gets in.
Ring the bells that still can ring;
Forget your perfect offering;
There's a crack in everything;
That's how the light gets in. Originally Posted by HoneyRose

I heard the same words once:

Only a broken heart is a whole heart,
then the light can stream in.
Because it reminded me of this thread:

The french verb "blesser" means "to wound." Original etymologies from both Hebrew and Anglo-Saxon bind "bless" with a bloodying of some kind - the daubing of the lintel at Passover, the blood smear on the forehead or thigh of a new young warrior or temple initiate. Wounding - real or symbolic- is both mark and marker. It is an opening in the self, painful but transformation.

We know from 100 years of psychoanalytic investigation that an early trauma, often buried or unavailable to consciousness, is the motif that plays through our lives. We meet it again and again in different disguises. We are wounded again in the same place. This doesn't turn us into victims. Rather, we are people in search of a transformation of the real.

By Jeanette Winterson
In Praise Of The Crack UP
The fog had cleared off outside and the stars were as bright as artificial stars of chromium on a sky of black velvet. I drove fast. I needed a drink badly and the bars were closed.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
"That's the thing with dames, sometimes all they gotta do is let it out and a few buckets later there's no way you'd know." Marv.

It was a pretty face, a face you get to like. Pretty, but not so pretty that you would have to wear brass knuckles every time you took it out.