why and why?

mssassy's Avatar
Okay i just read that le is back to busting tonight. My question is why? why are they so hung up doing their stings when innocent women and children are being abused? why are they busting escorts but allowing a man to get drunk and abuse his children and give those children back to him? isnt the abuse of children and women far worse then the hobby? women and children do not consent to abuse but the hobby is a consentual act between two of age adults?

what am i missing? is that what our tax dollars are going to ? well if they are i want a refund immediatly!!!
legsrme's Avatar
I agree with you. The other night I was driving through a bad part of town and saw a man lying on the ground face down on a empty parking lot. I pulled next to him in my car and he was breathing. I was going to a gas station to let them call LE and one pulled in - he drove right by the guy lying on the ground. I was leaving out of the gas station as he was coming in - I told that guy is lying on the ground over there - he frowned and said okay I'll check it out. Then he went inside the gas station. Nice- real Nice
misplaced set of morals and sensibility. In their private lives they probably pick up chicks at bars. At least you know we'll leave and won't call.