BBQ'D this weekend and had a very nice Polskakielbasa that was damn near 24" long. added some Grey Poupon and I was in heaven.
Originally Posted by Still Looking
I think I saw some larger ones than that at one of my previous jobs. At least until I had to start slicing them. LMAO.

But as for those attached to a man, one of the guys I used to see claimed he was 11-13 depending how excited he got. And about as thick as a soda can. And he was only 19 yrs old.
But it is also not size that matters. It the guy doesn't know how to use it, then what does the extra length or girth mean? I've been with guys that may be closer to 4 or 5 that can make me gush like crazy. But have been with other guys 11 that had no idea what they were doing.