Shaved or bush?

pickupkid's Avatar
How do you prefer the public hair of your provider or your client..bush , trimmed. Shaved?.yes I have asked this question before..but we do have some newbies.
Blubbster's Avatar
I love trimmed or shaved but I myself do neither. Does it make me a hypocrite? I'm not sure.
LuvsDaty's Avatar
Shaved or nice landing strip!
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 11-02-2014, 04:51 PM
Got enough hair in my teeth back in the '80's.
A neatly trimmed patch of fluff. I enjoy a woman who looks like a woman, and not like a little...well, you know...
I love a very hairy bush. The more grass on the field the more I like to play balln However, they are hard to come by, so I like anything.
I definitely prefer either a nice close trim or shaved clean. It can be so frustrating having to repeatedly pause and fish around for a hair stuck at the back of my tongue. If you choose to shave bare then please be mindful of stubble as it can be quite irritating to sensitive areas.
blasphemouse's Avatar
As long as your not drowning in pubic hair, everyone will be okay?

Yes. I just really wanted to try out this awesome gif. Sue me! :P
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
I like it all as long as it is scrubbed clean and smells fresh! For my men and women.
Exithere's Avatar
Shaved or nice landing strip! Originally Posted by LuvsDaty

Ditto here.
Shaved is nice, a close trim that is long enough to not feel like my face after a few days of not shaving but not long enought to get caught in my teeth. Full unprimed bush is no go for me. Landing strip can be sexy depending on who is wearing it, much like a mustache for a man.
Disclaimer: in the heat of the moment anything goes, well almost anything.
CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
i love a bare pussy. Best way to eat it.
Gentlemen Rendezvous's Avatar
Clean, clean, clean . . .
FootLong's Avatar
I like variety. There's room for all manner of pussy adornments. But there is a distinct lack of bush these days. I would like a bush trimmed such that it is not in the way of where my mouth goes. So no wild jungles, but enough to evoke some good old porn memories. And RW ones as well.
snoogins70's Avatar
I LOVE EM ALL!! But I must confess my weaknesses for a beautifully trimmed full bush. I believe it stems from my childhood and the several awesome memories of seeing bush right in front of me! My favorite memory is of my best friends older sister, who used to sleep in a t shirt and panties, who years later confessed to me that she purposely used to tease me by flashing her beav, just to watch my reaction. The night she told me was another awesome memory and mucho fun!!
I especially love to see fur on natural blondes and redheads, and like the rest of you, my only hang up is that the clam gots to be fresh and clean!! Big turn off when it stinks!!