
oliver klosoff's Avatar
How do I put part of a message in private? I am on an iPad and don't see that as an option
NYr's Avatar
  • NYr
  • 11-03-2014, 05:08 PM
I'm not sure on IPAD, but I would think it is the same.

when you are creating the post, there is a "PRIVATE" button above the window you would be typing a message in. Click on that and they type away between the private tag book ends.
TinMan's Avatar
It's the same on iPads. It's on the same line as the other text options (bold, italics, etc.).
Torito's Avatar
If you have already typed and then decide to put in Private.
Hilite the text,
Then click Private.

It will make the hilited text Private.

oliver klosoff's Avatar
Thanks guys but I have none of that. I have title box, message box and post icons. Wonder why. Anyway thanks....
TinMan's Avatar
All those icons are immediately above the text box I'm typing in, in the gray box that surrounds the typing area.

I have had some intermittent issues with the way Eccie loads since I upgraded to iOS 8.x. If you still can't see it, maybe that's the problem. You can also put the words [ PRIVATE] and [ /PRIVATE] in brackets to get the same effect. Remember to remove the space I've inserted after the first bracket to get it to work. You might want to test it out in this thread before you try it in the public forums.
bored@home's Avatar
All those icons are immediately above the text box I'm typing in, in the gray box that surrounds the typing area.

I have had some intermittent issues with the way Eccie loads since I upgraded to iOS 8.x. If you still can't see it, maybe that's the problem. You can also put the words [ PRIVATE] and [ /PRIVATE] in brackets to get the same effect. Remember to remove the space I've inserted after the first bracket to get it to work. You might want to test it out in this thread before you try it in the public forums. Originally Posted by TinMan
If the address bar is m.eccie you have to do the manual process TinMan mentions, easier to remove the "m." from the address though on a iPad.
TinMan's Avatar
Ahh...that's probably it. Mystery solved (I think)!
to manually add the tags you can enclose the text you want private by typing in the tags.

[private*] Put private text in here in between the private tags. [/private*]

Do not use the asterisks. I put those in there so you could actually see the code tags. Without the asterisks, the text in between the tags would show up in a private box viewable only to premium members.

Correct. The mobile version of the site does not show the options the regular site gives.