Edit by VS
non derogatory racial phalism- reffering to a person not neccesarily Black - used in Rap songs because it rhymes with many other words."
So, posting a meme using "Edit by VS" and so fourth should not be offensive, as many people use it in their everyday vocabulary. But, watch out! You will get points for it!
But don't worry, you can say call a girl a bitch, hooktard, whore bag, talk about how many mommy marks you find disgusting and so forth and you will be ok. Are you fucking kidding me?!
This site is more and more of a joke everyday!

So how many of you does this really offend? I am seriously curious. I just don't think it's a huge deal. I mean, I don't even give a shit if a person calls me any mexican type of whatever word. I just don't make a huge deal about it.