Mr. President if you need a VETO Rubber stamp please call me

Veto's and Executive Orders Hammer!!!

Same thing Bush did during his last two years in office when Dems won the House and Senate. During that time if you recall Bush went on an "unprecedented" Veto power trip. If the Repubs win it's time for Obama to do the same to these petulant little kids who call themselves Republican Congressmen.

Another thing we can look forward to is these kids will no longer be looking to shut the government down as it would make them and them alone look like the jerks reasonable people already know they are.

Veto any and everything that doesn't fit your agenda Mr. President give them a taste of their own medicine. Lastly, issue an executive order allowing 4 million people to become citizens just as Ronald Reagan did.

Let the kids cry impeachment as it's the last threat they have left in their play book. It's all they can say because at the end of the day it's time to show them you will NOT approve of anything they try to pass into law.

lustylad's Avatar
So, the midterm elections aren't even counted yet and you're already mumbling about an Obama veto hammer? You don't even care to know what's in the bills that might be passed by a GOP-led Congress - they should all be vetoed? How enlightened you are, zanyfart! But wait - won't that make Obama an "obstructionist" who doesn't know how to "govern"? Then your shallow libtard rhetoric will have come full circle and will be biting you in the ass, you worthless hypocritical POS!
So, the midterm elections aren't even counted yet and you're already mumbling about an Obama veto hammer? You don't even care to know what's in the bills that might be passed by a GOP-led Congress - they should all be vetoed? How enlightened you are, zanyfart! But wait - won't that make Obama an "obstructionist" who doesn't know how to "govern"? Then your shallow libtard rhetoric will have come full circle and will be biting you in the ass, you worthless hypocritical POS! Originally Posted by lustylad
Turnabout is fair play. You cannot stonewall a man to the detriment of your country and then expect cooperation. If the bills don't contain what Obama wants to see then you get the hamma my friend. Even if you win it means nothing. Why should Obama help you out now? Please don't say for the good of your country when all you did was obstruct and deny to the detriment of the country for the past 6 yrs.

Again turn about is fair play. No need to get personal. ;-)
Turnabout is fair play. You cannot stonewall a man to the detriment of your country and then expect cooperation. If the bills don't contain what Obama wants to see then you get the hamma my friend. Even if you win it means nothing. Why should Obama help you out now? Please don't say for the good of your country when all you did was obstruct and deny to the detriment of the country for the past 6 yrs.

Again turn about is fair play. No need to get personal. ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
"Turn about is fair play." I'm glad this is all a game for you. George W. Bush and what he did has nothing to do with what happens in the next two years. But, just as long as you get to be spiteful. I'm glad you're so grown up about everything.
lustylad's Avatar
Turnabout is fair play. You cannot stonewall a man to the detriment of your country and then expect cooperation.... Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

You're right, Harry Reid should not expect any cooperation after stonewalling 350+ bills in the Senate to the detriment of the country... All he did was obstuct and deny to the detriment of the country. I see your point, zany.
"Turn about is fair play." I'm glad this is all a game for you. George W. Bush and what he did has nothing to do with what happens in the next two years. But, just as long as you get to be spiteful. I'm glad you're so grown up about everything. Originally Posted by brundlefly
Its been a Republican game for the last 6 yrs now you want to be an adult because you think you have an advantage. Lol
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I can't help laughing at one of your last posts Stanza. You have no credibility around here and now you come out comparing apples to oranges between outright lies.
If we apply the same logic Republicans have used the past 6 years wouldn't you agree that Obama should Veto everything?

Can you tell me why Obama should do anything to help republicans since they hate and disrespect him so much. Can you honestly say with a straight face that Obama shouldn't use the power of Veto when all we've heard is repeal and replace with nothing.

If republicans don't care about their country when they don't have total control of Congress then why should we take them seriously now.

Can you answer my questions without the usual Fox News type spin?
lustylad's Avatar
If republicans don't care about their country when they don't have total control of Congress then why should we take them seriously now.

Can you answer my questions without the usual Fox News type spin? Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

Of course, no Republican would agree with your absurd statement that they "don't care about their country". To the contrary, they care deeply about it. That is what animates their opposition. If they take control of the Senate, their bills won't change but at least they will wind up on Odumbo's desk instead of being obstructed and blocked by Harry Reid.

So you question the GOP's patriotism - is that all you got left, zanybrain? As Samuel Johnson noted, that's the LAST REFUGE OF THE SCOUNDREL.
Veto's and Executive Orders Hammer!!!

Same thing Bush did during his last two years in office when Dems won the House and Senate. During that time if you recall Bush went on an "unprecedented" Veto power trip. If the Repubs win it's time for Obama to do the same to these petulant little kids who call themselves Republican Congressmen.

Another thing we can look forward to is these kids will no longer be looking to shut the government down as it would make them and them alone look like the jerks reasonable people already know they are.

Veto any and everything that doesn't fit your agenda Mr. President give them a taste of their own medicine. Lastly, issue an executive order allowing 4 million people to become citizens just as Ronald Reagan did.

Let the kids cry impeachment as it's the last threat they have left in their play book. It's all they can say because at the end of the day it's time to show them you will NOT approve of anything they try to pass into law. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Crying like a little bitch won't help you now.

Shovel all the dumb propaganda you want. It's over.
Crying like a little bitch won't help you now.

Shovel all the dumb propaganda you want. It's over. Originally Posted by ExNYer

Only a clueless moron would actually think that
ROFL Poor Zanibaby. Are we having a little temper tantrum?? Awww

Damn dude. You sound like a petulant 5 year old. Seriously.
ROFL Poor Zanibaby. Are we having a little temper tantrum?? Awww

Damn dude. You sound like a petulant 5 year old. Seriously. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh

Hey babe on the surface your party despises you. Get a clue. ;-)

Hey babe on the surface your party despises you. Get a clue. ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
You need to get a clue.

* No one is responsible for taking care of me. That honor belongs to myself alone.

* Having a uterus does not make me weak, does not render me helpless, and does not entitle me to special protection.

That is real feminism.

Democrats are all about what feminism isn't. This is what real feminism looks like:

* Feminism is being grateful for the two perfectly good feet God gave me, and standing on them.

* Feminism is not expecting some stuffed suit in Washington to know what I need better than I do.

* Feminism is not expecting lawmakers to pass special laws to do for me what I am too stupid, lazy, or irresponsible to do for myself.

The only "war on women" is the condescending, patronizing, and disgusting attempt by Democrats to convince women that we are supposed to vote with our pussies rather than our brains because we are just too weak willed and stupid to think for ourselves.

You may be weak willed and stupid Zanibaby, but I am not.