$3.OO PORN $1.00 LUBE

dirty dog's Avatar
Final week, porn for $3.00 and lube for $1.00. Special sale on gay titles $1.00 each.
RandB fan's Avatar
Final week, porn for $3.00 and lube for $1.00. Special sale on gay titles $1.00 each. Originally Posted by dirty dog
shameless self promotion why not put a listing on Craigslist?

video store selling lube... NOW THATS UNIQUE
dirty dog's Avatar
shameless self promotion why not put a listing on Craigslist?

video store selling lube... NOW THATS UNIQUE Originally Posted by RandB fan
Well yes it is self promotion and I have already listed it on Craigslist. Adult video stores have always sold lube, guess you have never had to squeeze something big into a small opening. I guess if this post bothers you the only thing I could say is fuck off. Now have a peachy day.
Lol, people always up in others business...
Well yes it is self promotion and I have already listed it on Craigslist. Adult video stores have always sold lube, guess you have never had to squeeze something big into a small opening. I guess if this post bothers you the only thing I could say is fuck off. Now have a peachy day. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Shame shame on you for posting such self promotion on such a high class hooker board.
You have been here long enough it is a no no to run an ad on an ad site.What was you thinking? No one around these parts does that.
zeejoe's Avatar
shameless self promotion why not put a listing on Craigslist?

video store selling lube... NOW THATS UNIQUE Originally Posted by RandB fan
If you went over and bought some dollar lube and a dollar movie, you could go fuck yourself!
shameless self promotion why not put a listing on Craigslist?

video store selling lube... NOW THATS UNIQUE Originally Posted by RandB fan
Probably because he Chose to put an advertisement on ECCIE. Why do you care what he does? You either need lube and some gay male porn, or you don't lol.

We are all so ready to jump on someone's ass every chance we get. Trust me I am guilty of this too. Why can't we just let people post what they want when it is a completely neutral subject, and warrants no emotionally based response?

Hi ads don't offend or hurt anyone.

It is what it is... A man retiring who doesn't want to have to deal with a lot of left over inventory.
dirty dog's Avatar
Thinking about it though, wouldn't shameless self promotion be more like telling the ladies, that my tongue is 7 in long, 3 inches wide and I can breath through my ears.
nineninanine's Avatar
I guess if this post bothers you the only thing I could say is fuck off. Now have a peachy day. Originally Posted by dirty dog
malwoody's Avatar
Thinking about it though, wouldn't shameless self promotion be more like telling the ladies, that my tongue is 7 in long, 3 inches wide and I can breath through my ears. Originally Posted by dirty dog
For a sec I thought you were describing me...

I'm holding out for dollar movies..
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Peachy? Sounds like gay titles are free.
Well yes it is self promotion and I have already listed it on Craigslist. Adult video stores have always sold lube, guess you have never had to squeeze something big into a small opening. I guess if this post bothers you the only thing I could say is fuck off. Now have a peachy day. Originally Posted by dirty dog
:ro flmao::roflm ao::woot_jum p::clappi ng:
Starry69's Avatar
I guess if this post bothers you the only thing I could say is fuck off. Now have a peachy day.
Ha hahahaha :-)
dirty dog's Avatar
Peachy? Sounds like gay titles are free. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Well sure how many are you going to need?