Liberals question why poor voters who use public assistance still vote for Republicans who want to cut those very services.
There is nothing more vexing to liberals than poor Republicans. Their very existence rankles. It turns their world on its head and their assumptions inside out. The effort to explain them is understood not just as a political paradox but a psychological disorder. They have been duped. They must have been. To many liberals these are the condemned tying the noose for their own execution.Source
The Top 10 Republican States that complain about Obama and his policies but receive the most in benefits from the Federal Government:
New Mexico, Mississippi, Alaska, Louisiana, W. Virginia, N. Dakota, Alabama, S. Dakota, Virginia, Kentucky
The bottom 10 States that give more to the federal government in taxes than they get in return are blue States:
New Jersey, Nevada, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Illinois, Delaware, California, New York, Colorado
How can you explain the fact that the denizens of the most welfare dependent states in the country—dare we say, those who enjoy the most benefits from socialism—profess to abhor welfare?Source
Welfare Queens of the South (who hate Obama care)
8/10 states with the highest non-payment rates are solidly Republican. The exceptions are New Mexico and Florida