I was making a list, checked it twice, I know there's naughty folks out there, and fuck the nice!
I saw a little fellow named Simon, was telling folks how they might do naughty things with multiple handles. Well he had some good ideas that work, but really too much trouble.
No, it's not that hard. All you need is a proxy or a cell phone (they change their IPs frequently)...Here's my little present to all the naughty boys and girls:Originally Posted by Simon Riley
It's much easier than you think, just hit the private or incognito button. It renders you invisible.
If they shut you down, download another free browser with private browsing, rinse, lather, repeat!

Now go out there you naughty boys and girls, give the jolly FATMAN a piece of your mind. Thumb your nose at authority!
Yes Simon I still rage against the machine!
And most of all spread your wealth to those poor mods who could really use the job security!

Goodnight to all, and to all a good night.