While the Rules Scholars are trying to decide if you deserve further protection from accusations that you are indeed someone else recreated here......
Let me just ask?
Were you previously a registered member of this board?
Were you a reviewed Provider?
IF you were a previous member why didn't you learn anything the first time?
What was the connection between you and Johnny Yanks?
Any idea why he outed the possible recreation of yourself?
IF you decide to step up and be honest......
IF you actually are NOT the provider everyone is leaning towards believing you are.... Do you feel providers have the right to change their name to walk away from a bad reputation?
Do you think that eroding the confidence placed in the system hurts other providers that can't get a fair break when they truly have a real problem?
Last but not least...... IF it all is true......
Why? Seems like a miserable failure.......
A lot of clients really dislike dishonesty....... MOST of us understand a real security concern......
It is never good to be thought of as someone hiding something..........
Maybe you should ignore all these questions and guest again.... Give it 4 days and try again....
This time.....
Just run ads.....
Your not a bad looking lady and there would be no shortage of guys that would pay to play.....
Just stay out of CoEd.... You get too emotionally involved and can't pull of the hoax.....