Real Video! White cop harasses and hits white male!


a lesson some Black youth should learn. Let the cop be a dick and film it. See what happens.. Cop loses job and charged with crimes. Instead being a dick and giving this dick cop a reason to beat you..

A Saratoga County sheriff's sergeant abruptly resigned Monday as he was charged with official misconduct and harassment after a video was posted on the Internet over the weekend that purportedly captured him slapping a man whose car he wanted to search.

Sheriff Michael H. Zurlo said his office began an investigation into the actions of Sgt. Shawn R. Glans immediately after they learned the video was posted on the department's Facebook page around 9 p.m. Friday. The video shows Glans demanding to search the vehicle of a young man, Colin Fitch, who was standing next to the deputy in the parking lot of a Wal-Mart store in Halfmoon. Fitch refused to consent to the search as Glans peppered him with expletives and said they could get a search warrant if he didn't turn over his keys.

Glans grows increasingly agitated during the encounter, which was being secretly filmed by Fitch's friend Adam Roberts, who was standing next to the pair. "You want to (expletive) resist?" Glans tells Fitch as the deputy steps toward him and the video captures a loud slapping sound. The video camera was pointed downward at the time of the alleged strike. Glans then grabs Fitch's keys, throwing them to another deputy. "Search the (expletive) car," Glans tells the other deputy, who has not been identified.

Zurlo acknowledged Glans struck the young man. Glans, 48, was arraigned in Halfmoon Town Court on Monday afternoon on one count of official misconduct, a misdemeanor, and second-degree harassment, a violation. The charges state that while on-duty and in uniform Glans "did knowingly commit unauthorized physical acts in seeking to secure and expedite the search of a vehicle with an intent to benefit himself," according to court records. The harassment charge says Glans slapped Fitch "in the back of the head with an open hand."
Guest123018-4's Avatar
We have a government that is out of control and it is not just the federal government.
Shrewd's Avatar seriously don't understand.
pyramider's Avatar
Where is the part before the beating? Editing produces a different story. seriously don't understand. Originally Posted by Shrewd
Fuck Rodney King, he refused to stop for a moving violation. A female trooper was the initial officer that attempted to pull this asshole over. He refused to stop and was flipping her off as he lead her on a high speed pursuit that became dangerous for other motorist. The pursuit soon involved The LAPD and the pursuit ended near one of LA's airports where King was intending on turning in a Rental car but obviously the bevy of officers threw a wrench in his plans and multiple batons across his fucking ass. So what if he won a law suit if he would of pulled over like a responsible citizen none of this would have happened. The only thing you're concerned with is the fact King was black. If he was white you wouldn't give a shit. The same goes for this pompous ass Michael Brown. Anyone white, black, purple or orange deserve what these two idiots got.

RALPHEY BOY's Avatar seriously don't understand. Originally Posted by Shrewd
I understand very well..

Moral: if you act like a dick to a cop he will beat your ass, if you run from cops they will beat your ass.

I dont care if you disagree with them or think you are being 'profiled' which I have been many times in my youth..Do what they ask and you will go home.

if the Boys Choir Leader Michael Brown would have done what Officer Wilson said he would be still robbing stores of Cigars and whatever else his thug ass was doing...