Silly republican's always talking about principle. Fuck principle. It does not mean shit when you vote in different states. Nice try. Tell me this: Republican are the family value, by the bible, holier than thou, etc... How can you take part in this hobby but be republican/conservative? Not like the dems are trying to make prostitution legal but republicans are usually more outspoken about shit like this tearing up the traditional family.
Also, the only reason this healthcare stuff is going to cost more NOW is because the health care providers and issurance companies are going to try and get their big chunch of change before shit gets regulated for the people in 2014. Get rich while you can because in 2014 you wont be able to be out of control any longer. There actually is enough rich people in this country to pay for it. When everything ends up alright and this healthcare stuff works its way out, all these people talking shit about are going to never say they were wrong because conservatives and republicans never are wrong are they?
Originally Posted by Geyser7
Not all of us support every Republican principle and not all Democrats support every policy of the Democratic party. Flexibility is a good thing.
So "when the shit gets regulated" if doctors, nurses, those who operate hospitals, health care clinics, etc. can't make a decent living, why should they continue doing it. Chuck and Geyser, please take a look at
Chuck, please give us the name of your health insurance company and plan name. That's one hell of a plan. Clauses excluding Preexisting conditions from coverage are not going to be eliminated for several years for everyone except babies. Or should we assume this report on your policy benefits is in accordance with your tag line.
I just hope in a few years we have doctors and medical providers to go to.