IMPORTANT TO THE MEN -- Regarding bmax Review: BP Lacey is the real deal

The first photos put up of this girl back on October 25, 2014 showed more of her body. In multiple photos her arms, hands, hips and thighs were COVERED in very dark bruises. Also she seems to be very *Staff Edit - JCM in most of her pics. The eyes tell many things.

I wonder what spooked the poster of this ad to crop the photos to avoid showing ALL those bruises after their initial ad on October 25, 2014. They also went back to that ad to change those photos as well. Hmmm lol....

Anyway, I would tread very lightly when it comes to this girl. We would never know if some organization may have alerted authorities as to this girl possibly being underage as well as the obvious fact that she was COVERED in very dark bruises on her arms, hands, hips and thighs.

Which would let others know that this is probably prostitution not of her own free will. Mostly likely being managed/forced by a very violent individual. Only God, that little girl and that evil man knows who that individual is (or so it would appear)...

The photos I am referring to are the ones where she is in the same bra, but the panties are white lace with little red bows on the sides. In those photos she looks very *Staff Edit - JCM, and those were the photos I saw all of those bruises. Her P411 photos do not show the same things as her backpage photos did. She may not be underage, but I know what I saw on her body in her photos on that October 25, 2014 ad..

See at your own risk, but something is not right here.

Link To Review
The first photos put up of this girl back on October 25, 2014 showed more of her body. In multiple photos her arms, hands, hips and thighs were COVERED in very dark bruises. Also she seems to be very *Staff Edit - JCM of something in most of her pics. The eyes tell many things.

I wonder what spooked the poster of this ad to crop the photos to avoid showing ALL those bruises after their initial ad on October 25, 2014. They also went back to that ad to change those photos as well. Hmmm lol....

Anyway, I would tread very lightly when it comes to this girl. We would never know if some organization may have alerted authorities as to this girl possibly being underage as well as the obvious fact that she was COVERED in very dark bruises on her arms, hands, hips and thighs.

Which would let others know that this is probably prostitution not of her own free will. Mostly likely being managed/forced by a very violent individual. Only God, that little girl and that evil man knows who that individual is (or so it would appear)...

The photos I am referring to are the ones where she is in the same bra, but the panties are white lace with little red bows on the sides. In those photos she looks very *Staff Edit - JCM, and those were the photos I saw all of those bruises. Her P411 photos do not show the same things as her backpage photos did. She may not be underage, but I know what I saw on her body in her photos on that October 25, 2014 ad..

See at your own risk, but something is not right here.

Link To Review Originally Posted by Urban Dahlia
Hi, how are you.

I just thought I would say that the young lady in the ad is actually of age, she is 23 but yes she does have a very young look to her.

She tries to be careful about putting her photos online because she wants to have another job one day and she said she does not want the past to come back to haunt her. As for the 'dark marks' she is not being pimped out. They are not bruises that she has. They are not all over her body. She did explain why she had them but it was not abuse in any way. She has no pimp or manager. I know what the 'dark marks' are from but it would be totally unfair for me to say but what I can say is that in no way are they bruises or is she being pimped or managed.

She did say that she is only doing this to help her get to her true goal of school.

She has issues that she deals with as do me and many others but she really does have a very very good heart. I am sad that she had to turn to this.

I know that things said can damage the reputation of a provider so I just spoke only to defend what I know of her. There are some wonderful individuals that do this and she is one of them.

And please accept my apology beforehand if you think I am being argumentative. I am really not I just wanted to stand up and defend what I know of her.
CaptainKaos's Avatar
You're a real odd one, aren't you, Jayhawker?
Hi, how are you.

I just thought I would say that the young lady in the ad is actually of age, she is 23 but yes she does have a very young look to her.

She tries to be careful about putting her photos online because she wants to have another job one day and she said she does not want the past to come back to haunt her. As for the 'dark marks' she is not being pimped out. They are not bruises that she has. They are not all over her body. She did explain why she had them but it was not abuse in any way. She has no pimp or manager. I know what the 'dark marks' are from but it would be totally unfair for me to say but what I can say is that in no way are they bruises or is she being pimped or managed.

She did say that she is only doing this to help her get to her true goal of school.

She has issues that she deals with as do me and many others but she really does have a very very good heart. I am sad that she had to turn to this.

I know that things said can damage the reputation of a provider so I just spoke only to defend what I know of her. There are some wonderful individuals that do this and she is one of them.

And please accept my apology beforehand if you think I am being argumentative. I am really not I just wanted to stand up and defend what I know of her. Originally Posted by Jayhawker
This is not my first rodeo.

I know what I saw. I also know there are men/pimps/traffickers who are purchasing fake U.S. documents (birth certificates/passports/etc) from way down deep in the dark net that would sure as shit appear legitimate to the eye.

I would not believe anything a girl/woman told me after I saw bruises like that on her. Every girl/woman being abused will lie about what really happened to them/what those marks really were.

Those eyes are not that of a *Staff Edit - JCM. She did not take those pics of herself so there was another person in the room who would have had great opportunity to give "whatever" to her knowingly or unknowingly. Then took those pics of her.

Yes you are correct about that potentially hurting her business, but that is just a moot point when one ponders what's going on in her life that she had incurred all those bruises on her body all at one time.
She tries to be careful about putting her photos online because she wants to have another job one day and she said she does not want the past to come back to haunt her. As for the 'dark marks' she is not being pimped out. They are not bruises that she has. They are not all over her body. She did explain why she had them but it was not abuse in any way. She has no pimp or manager. I know what the 'dark marks' are from but it would be totally unfair for me to say but what I can say is that in no way are they bruises or is she being pimped or managed.

She did say that she is only doing this to help her get to her true goal of school.

She has issues that she deals with as do me and many others but she really does have a very very good heart. I am sad that she had to turn to this.

I know that things said can damage the reputation of a provider so I just spoke only to defend what I know of her. There are some wonderful individuals that do this and she is one of them.

And please accept my apology beforehand if you think I am being argumentative. I am really not I just wanted to stand up and defend what I know of her. Originally Posted by Jayhawker
Why are you speaking for her? And further more, why in the fuck did she explain the dark marks all over her body if they are not an issue?? Hhmm

Now you know that all hookers are in school.
This is not my first rodeo. Please accept my apologies, I was not trying to make it seem that way.

I know what I saw. I also know there are men/pimps/traffickers who are purchasing fake U.S. documents (birth certificates/passports/etc) from way down deep in the dark net that would sure as shit appear legitimate to the eye. I guess if you asked her mom and family they would not say her information is not fake. Trust me she is 23 and totally legal.

I would not believe anything a girl/woman told me after I saw bruises like that on her. Every girl/woman being abused will lie about what really happened to them/what those marks really were.

Yes you are correct about that potentially hurting her business, but that is just a moot point when one ponders what's going on in her life that she had incurred all those bruises on her body all at one time. Originally Posted by Urban Dahlia
Again, not trying to be negative but she really has no pimp or manager. I know this young lady and yes, as I said, as many of us have our vices so to does she. As for bruises 'all over' her body I don't think there are but I do know she has the 'dark marks' on her hands that are not bruises. They are not a one time thing meaning no one beat her.

If going by your point then we could call out alot of providers and say negative things about them and then call it a moot point to hurt their business because the idea is that we are really helping them. In this business we partake in there not all of us are free from the crutches and vices we use to make it through the day.

All I can say is this young lady is a very nice lady almost to the point of being sad she has to do this to get by. If you met her you would understand.

You're a real odd one, aren't you, Jayhawker? Originally Posted by CaptainKaos
Not sure if that is good or bad. Just trying to defend someone.
Why are you speaking for her? And further more, why in the fuck would she have to explain the dark marks all over her body if they are not an issue?? Hhmm

Now you know that all hookers are in school. Originally Posted by Gemma34
Hey I am sorry if my speaking up for her bothered you that was not my intention by any means so I do apologize.

I had just seen guys speak up for ladies they knew and thought in this case it would be appropriate just to say she was not being beaten by a pimp.
It does bother me when a girl can't or doesn't speak for herself.
It does bother me when a girl can't or doesn't speak for herself. Originally Posted by Gemma34
Yes, I understand and totally respect you on that. I just thought that since she is not on here it would be appropriate.

Not trying to be disrespectful to anyone.
JPHackworth's Avatar
I know I'll regret saying this but - I'll bet dimes to dollars Jayhawker has never seen this girl and is just making trouble. He's a troll and nothing more.

It's sad because I think Dahlia is right and that the girl in the ad is in a bad situation. I'm sort of new to this and those photos don't set well with me. I would never have even thought to looks for such things so I feel a bit foolish and naive. Thanks for making me think ladies.
So you are saying she got by Gina's provider screening on P411?
First off it appears alot of this is speculation ....and some of this could be accurate or not.
Jayhawker unless you have seen this girl in person (from the way you speak you have)
How did you see her?
As a provider?
Saw her at the mall?

And if as a client/ provider...why no review?
Im going with Urban on this one mostly because of your track record on this site
[/QUOTE] Now you know that all hookers are in school. [/QUOTE]
I just spit a diet coke all over my laptop - too funny...

and too true...

shit, I'm still laughing...
First off it appears alot of this is speculation ....and some of this could be accurate or not.
Jayhawker unless you have seen this girl in person (from the way you speak you have)
How did you see her?
As a provider?
Saw her at the mall? I do know her personally. I thought if I mentioned that it would be obvious that I know her. I defended her because I know what she is going through and I know that she is not being pimped out or managed. I know that those are not bruises as well.

And if as a client/ provider...why no review?
Im going with Urban on this one mostly because of your track record on this site Originally Posted by BigDeal
I stopped doing reviews because after so much negativity it gets old. I have come to see that if you post an opinion everyone is quick to jump on and attack so I was like why post reviews. It is sad that defending someone comes at such a negative cost.

I actually thought gentlemen would see the discussion and understand if someone knows her personally it would help understand that this young ladies reputation need not be destroyed over someones horrible speculation.

I know I'll regret saying this but - I'll bet dimes to dollars Jayhawker has never seen this girl and is just making trouble. He's a troll and nothing more. This is why I started not to say anything. Because I post an alert I am called a troll and conversely I defend a provider and I am called a troll.

I think you are simply trying to earn points by calling me a troll because there is nothing that I even said negative in what I wrote. As a matter of point I was quiet contrite and apologetic has to make the point I was not trying to cause issue but only defending someone who I feel as a very kind heart.

So please explain to me how I am making trouble by simply saying the young lady is not being beaten nor is she underage...because if that is what you call making trouble then there are way worse trouble makers than me on here.
Originally Posted by fredhgolightly
You all can say and think what you want. I think it is rather sad on each of you to judge this young lady without even so much as knowing anything about her. Each of you who have judged her to be not good enough for your high and lofty standards without so much as a phone call or anything to this young lady. She put an honest, none photshopped picture and the attack dogs jump out and and pounce.

I am very thankful I am not in any one of your circles because that has to be one sad place to be. You are willing to destroy someones image over false statements. I know I have read several gentlemen say several times these are some of these ladies livelihoods and so we should watch what we say. Even when I posted an alert I was told that but yet this can be said about someone and somehow I am the troll and only making trouble because I defended this young lady.
Now you know that all hookers are in school. [/QUOTE]
I just spit a diet coke all over my laptop - too funny...

and too true...

shit, I'm still laughing...[/QUOTE]

LOL! Now I'm laughing again! Hahaha