
This comentary is purley (satire) ? Would you believe two (satires)? We need more snow ! Enough to have fun in at least . We need to turn some of the bike trails into snowmobile trails during the winter . Not the ones in the heart of the citys but the more scenic ones .The snow mobiles should be registered threw the DNR like dirt bikes that use the public riding areas . They could be enforced by snowmobile riding commando,s are less armed patrols maybe . But im thinking commando,s would be cool they wouldnt put up with any shit from people from up north in outlaw snowmobile gangs . Who knows ? Maybe we could start a outlaw snowmobile gang here . Yah i like that idea .

Seriously Possibly some of the local people who have a say in stuff like that would realize we dont live in san diego . And You cant smell the san diego harbor from a frozen corn field in iowa . Its actually cold here 4 to 5 months out of the year. Possibly just possibly tourism could develop because of it. And revenue could be generated from it.

Nope some body would be liable if a crappy snowmobile rider got hurt and it will never happen .The insurance capital of the world and we cant insure a outlaw snowmobile gang .

What if all the snowmobile riders worked for a insurance company ? Wow Could that work ? Oh yah and they all have to smoke cigarets and drink wiskey and hobby too . In order to get a snowmobile commando pass . Some of you lazy sons a bitch,s need to post something on here to . Just ramble on . My fcking rambling sucks ass .

But when you see my dorky ass and my my outlaw snowmobile club you damm well better not throw snowballs !!
Well it turns out there are all ready snowmobile commandos and they took my cigs and whiskey .Dammit MOM !