It was brought to my attention, that I obviously did send Laurie Jean an email offering to pay a cancellation fee for the date I had to cancel. I honestly do not remember all that transpired between us.
I just want to apologize to all the board members if I mislead them that was not my intention. I am human after all and I am prone to making mistakes from time to time.
I do have my issues I am working on, occasionally I will slip up and fall off the wagon so to speak.
For me the hobby is a way to escape the issues I struggle with on a daily basis and to feel normal for an hour or two.
I want to thank you for all your advice you have given me and I hope you accept my apologies for causing any undo trouble to my fellow hobbyist and providers.
After this I am done with this issue and just want to put it behind me and move on.
Thank you