man puts whole head in pussy. how is this possible? this is an old video but who in the world wants to put their head in a pussy
Lucas McCain's Avatar this is an old video but who in the world wants to put their head in a pussy Originally Posted by unteagle
unteagle, what the hell is the point of all of these damn videos you've been posting lately??? I'm guessing travelling man hit the nail on the head about why you are posting this great material.

Your hobby fund must be really low to stoop to this stupid shit. What's the next video for your newest thread? Let me guess, a horse fucking an apple pie?
Wow, someone needs to take their meds
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Lower the rifle, Lucas...LOL!
Oh my gosh that is the nastiest thing that I have ever seen? So guys do you think shes tight?
Hasn't almost every man had his head go through a pussy? Except for you c-section guys. He's just trying to go back in.
(clicking heels) "I want to go home" "I want to go home"
Haha u dnt like my links and shit talk me yet u just can't help but open my link. Go suck a dick or better yet put ur head up a pussy. Ok sorry everyone I'm just a self employed bored man. Ill leave my vids elsewhere.
That is fake as hell
Randall Creed's Avatar
I'm not even going to entertain that link because odds are pretty close to 100% that it's fake.

Besides, for the life of me, I have no idea why ANY woman would to shove something larger than a dick in their pussy. The best quality of the cooch is the tightness of it, so why in the hell would any woman want to take away from that?
Btw I'm just messing with ya lucas mccain.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
unteagle, no offense was taken whatsoever. Since I hope to make it through life without sucking a dick or sticking my head up a pussy, I actually liked your response. I thought it was pretty funny......Now, if I actually do one of those things before I die, I'll know that you put a fucking curse on me and you were not messing with me!

And you should post whatever vids you want. It's no business of mine!

And Randy4Candy, you're right. I stopped aiming the rifle, but I still carry it for safety reasons - even in the house.
Haha if u get ur head caught in a pussy please call me so I can lmao.