Reviews you got to love them and hate them!

Reviews you got to love them and hate them!
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I have had two unfavorible reviews and over 30 really good ones!
In the two I had that were not good, One was a nightmare for me and the other well I had just moved in and there was no furniture my bad but was desperate!

REVIEWS are there to inform the men how you performed based on their opinions and your advertising?

I stand up for every man's right to post his frank and honest unexagerated opinion of how the session played out for him!
I realize that I am not every man's dream and many things may contribute to the dissatifaction of the appointment that may or may not have anything to do with the provider!
The hobby is and should be a code that supports the protection of both men and women in the HOBBY.
But what happens when a guy after the session is so mad he was not able to finish or get it up?
Now if he is very large and is not very experienced in being careful it can be very ungrateful to the women.
As far a not getting them up I will take some responsiblility to a certain extent! I know of only one I failed with! But it is a personal problem that we try to overcome if we can.

Is it right to post a bad review then in your random post for the next month mention the providers name in vain as a bad lay and a poor host. Continue to use the incident and refer to the review as a way to get back at men you have seen who enjoyed you? Continue to pound your name over and over in an effort to keep you from doing business or cut down those who do enjoy your company?
And further insult you by claiming you have a PIMP!
Which I do not believe in them, cause I ain't sharing my money with no one LOL.

In summary here is the questions;

1. Should a person be held responsible for his actions in the hobby when he uses the board to hate and hinder a provider from making a living beyond the review?

2. Should the mods prevent such action as best as they can?

3. If the guys get away with this, soon the women will use the board to get back at guys, shouldn't we prevent that too?

It is my opinion that using a board forum as a tool to hurt people should be against the code of the HOBBY!
DO DO OCCCURS you had a bad session it did not work out, we will not go steady or get married, nor see each other again, that should be it, you stated it in a review!
Posting further info about the session is just being hateful!

What are your opinions and comments ECCIE?
1. Yes but what are you going to do ban his account? He'll just get another. Personally you leave it alone. Most Hobbyist know that if they see one bad review with a provider who has many other good reviews, they will start doing some research if they really want to see the provider in question. Most guys that give bad reviews just for the sake of it, stand out.

2. I know Mods do try to prevent this action. I have seen them lock threads for this very reason.

3. I have seen this already as well. And again the Mods do their best to try and head off such threads. And in some cases will do research to get to the bottom of the problem.

All in all I think this board does a good job to keep everything running smoothly. Will some slip through the cracks, sure but if it does someone just needs to bring it to the Mods attention to see if they can help resolve the issue.

Just my $.02
This is an adult board and vengeful behavior should have consequences. The problem enters in when a truthful account is intrepreted as a vengeful one. Perception defines reality and we're dealing with feeling less words on a page. The reader inserts the emotion, tone, and context on their own and that is what often leads to problems. It's the limitation of the medium and simply can't disappear as long as humans have emotions that fuck with us.

On reviews...if a lady has a bad review there are many reasons usually explaining why in the course of the review which each individul can take into account. No reviews aren't bad things in my opinion.. weigh the majority of the reviews and not just the single no's.

as for the rest of the board... we're dealing with the highly volatile world of human relationships and there are going to be issues... but we need to behave as adults and confront them as they arise. Any vengeful act against either a guy or gal should have reprecussions depending on the depth of the offense, the public nature of the offense, and the vitrol with which it is spewed. Also... is it true? was it just a misunderstanding? Is there fault to be shared and is it portrayed as being shared? ... How to deal with it... a combination of all the choices... except the last. I know I'm still getting my board legs so to speak but that's my humble opinion.
If you have a problem with a guy, speak to a moderator. Then improve your service and buy some furniture. A bed, or at least a dang sleeping bad.

Posting polls might make you feel better, but will not resolve the issue.
IronMan's Avatar
It is not a perfect World there are good and there are bad reviews!
The girls just have to accept them and try harder , however beyond the review comments are unfounded!

Once the review is posted one should not continue to refer to the person unless they are trying to hurt their business which is not what the boards are all about.
A bashing of a review is and should be considered misinformation as it has nothing to support it. Did the person really see them? if so do they have a review posted. if so that should be enough.
Guys do tend to on try to get the girls business slowed down so they can get cheaper rates!
But using aboard to hurt either sex is and should be not called for!
I think you just have to deal with the bad reviews. With all the different personalities of the world...some will post a negative review when it should done, some will do it when the experience was not what they thought it was going to be, and some will do it to be spitefull. I have read all kinds of reviews and most of us can tell the difference when reading a review why it was written.

Im not one to post a negative reveiw, just because it wasnt what i was expecting. If i meet with a VERY well reviewed provider...and she looks exactly like she advertises and a list of wonderful activities took place...but for some reason it just wasnt there...because the kissing, bbbj, and attidude were just not clicking...or she didnt like it just a little passionate/rough...and she would rather i be done in 10 mins...i probably wont write ANY review. Good or bad. I will just assume we didnt reason to run around writing a bad reveiw, just cuz i wont see her again for whatever reason. But...its probably just because one girl really blew my mind that it would be tough to compare

Now if your pimp kicks the door in, right in the middle of things, to tell me that 5 mins remain...i might write a bad review or if he interupts and says 'she dont do that'
And lets not forget....i read several reviews that should be a NO based off of what is written...but most men are just to nice to do they put a YES...and then go on about how it was just an OK time at best.
It's sad that reviews started out as a good thing-a source of information among hobbyists, generally if the provider does what she says, has accurate pics etc. Unfortunately, there are a group of hobbyists(and it seems to get bigger daily) that use reviews to simply try to ruin a providers reputation or business-often because the provider simply declines an appointment from him for whatever reason. I have had several blatantly fake reviews with outright lies in the past where the reviewer never even saw me, and have had nice reviews where gents that I don't know and have never seen chime in with their often hateful "observations" in the comments section. It's frustrating that even when you try your best to be the best you can be and try so hard to completely satisfy the expections and needs of someone, they turn on you and are outright hateful.
Its ok to have disagreements; but in this case the constant back-and-forth fighting by several posters within the thread is tedious and juvenile.

Why the compulsion by some hobbyists to show such strong disagreement with an honest review by the OP?

And the whole "WK" term is fast becoming the equivalent of calling somebody a racists; i.e. some posters toss it around so casually that it becomes meaningless.
burkalini's Avatar
I think my reviews are 98 percent positive. I once did a negative review on a provider for no showing 3 times and she posted lies about me for mos after that. The negative effect of a review can be felt on both sides. I just kept writing honest reviews and will continue to do so. If they are all honest then they will help the other hobbyist to make their minds up
gimme_that's Avatar
Wow your last two reviews were entertaining to say the least. The problem for you in this case both guys had a track record for writing many reviews. Both revealed a lot about what you offer BCD and what they recieved, which was vastly different.

This thread actually brought more attention to it.

They were some funny drama filled threads though.