?? For the guys...what's up with the review bashing??

Ok so I have been in this business for about 5 years now. So you imagine that I have a nice collection of regular guys taht like to play. So i figure why not start asking them to write review? Well I asked at least TWO of my clients and their response was unbelievable.... These guys are actually a lil uneasy about writing reviews because of the MEN on this site, not the women!!

I asked him what did he mean and he said that once he tried to write a review on a lady and as soon as it went up, all the guys started bashing his review telling him that he was probably her 'pimp' or a 'friend' of hers trying to boost her business....well i thought that is what a good review was supposed to do?! Give you good business right?? So basically i think that you guys should lighten up a lil when it comes to these reviews because if you make a guy so uncomfortable that he doesnt want to even post a review then how is it going to benefit anyone?? You miss out on seeing a great provider and I miss out on good business.....
First this topic is being discussed to death.
Secondly, what a review is supposed to do is not necessarily "give you good business" it is supposed to give other male members of this site good "information" about a provider so he can decide if he wants to go see her. Your friend just needs to grow a pair and write an honest review and he will likely get more compliments than he will negative comments.
The misconception that reviews are just another marketing tool for the providers is what's driving some guys to attack what they may feel is a questionable motive on the part of the reviewer.
Wow, ya know, I've noticed the same thing. There is alot of bashing going on. I've got to the point, I don't even want any reviews and I'm not going to ask any of my guys to give me a review, cause its very likely that someone will step in and say something stupid. Even if a guy does a good review on a lady, I see other guys commenting w BS. I know and understand reviews are not always going to be good, but its seems more bashing than anything. You have guys doing reviews.....and haven't even seen the lady. I've read a couple of bad reviews on a certain someone.........and its obvious the review is just made up. Its from guys who have only been members in the last couple days of the review. Guys who can't following instructions, then wanna come here and bash. I've became a low volume provider, so reviews don't make me nor break me. I just feel for the ladies that have to deal w the BS.
The reviews are for us, not you. They give US information so we can decide if we want to see someone. Do a consistant, great job and the reviews will reflect that and will help your business. Do a poor or inconsistant job and the reviews will relect that as well.

Its not so much review bashing as it calling to task those who may not be writing reviews with the intent to help us, the client. When the first post from someone is a glowing review of a new provider and both joined within a few days of each other, the credability of that poster is very small. When the same "guy" only posts about one provider, over and over again, it makes us pause and wonder about the poster.

And its not just good reviews that get questioned. If a provider has a well established history of outstanding service and a reviewer just rips them a apart, we question that as well.

It is an inperfect system, but we do police our own. We have assholes amongst us for sure. We also have providers who are breaking the rules by gaining access to private info they are not suppose to see.

Right now, I thnk we are seeing a correction in the review process from almost always perfect reviews to the other side of seeing more inperfect reviews. If more guys will grow a pair and post honest, fair and balanced reviews, this will settle down and everyone will be happier.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Brook I think it goes both ways and everyone who posted above made some good points. We do have what they call WK's on here who actually hurt us hobbyist. Let me give you a real situation that happens a lot in eccie.
Let's say I review a Girl named Jane Doe- I may have some connection with her- for example I can tell Jane Doe hey you give me or charge me "x" amount a dollars and I will write a glowing review of you to get more guys to see you. Now Jane Doe may have subpar skills and here I am writing this glorious review on her. Sawyer and Bubba may have seen Jane Doe and quite naturally they are going to call me out and bash my reviews just so other hobbyist are not conned by my review. It truly happens more than you think.
Also, you may have a situation where a lady Julie Doe could have tons of great reviews or she could have had an off night and gave a hobbyist a bad session and in return you will have a White Knight immediately bash the person who gave her a bad review or all of a sudden the White Knight remembers he saw her a month ago and then he writes this glowing review to cancel out the bad review which again can distort the truth.
All of the above are real life examples. In fact just 2 weeks ago I posted a review of a girl who has about 8 good reviews on eccie. I honestly did not have a good time with her- her place was in a low income messy apartment complex-not a hotel like she claimed(I know the difference between an apartment complex and a hotel) ad I had the session on a sheet on the carpet..The provider made no attempt to look decent-she blames it me arriving 10 minutes early, but failed to mentioned I text her an hour before her session letting her know I was on my way- it was rush hour so she had plenty of time. She claimed she didn't see Black men and I gave her the chance to end the session but since I had the money out I guess on that day GREEN was more important than BLACK. She did mentions in her attack on me she had no idea about my size- I don't know what she was expecting when she was getting pm's from me with my username handle? To add on I was accused of stealing her lube, being a cop and going over on time- she found out I obviously I wasn't a cop that the lube was mine and that I was on time all this added up for me giving her an honest bad review. When I wrote the review I gave the positives and the negatives and the negatives out weighed the positives so she got a bad review. I got blasted by her White Knights and she even posted a negative comment in the co-ed section which she distorted the truth and claimed my negative review is hurting her business. The review session is not a means for providers to use it strictly as a marketing tool to make money- it's to give hobbyist an accurate account of what to expect and not to expect.
It's sad that you have people on here who don't write true honest reviews, but the best way to sum it up Brooks is look in the newspaper or on the internet you may pull up to a restaurant guide and you may have people given an establishment an excellent review and then you may have some people given the same place bad reviews- it's not fair to say that the people giving bad reviews is bashing the restaurant right? Everyone has their own perspective, but when we feel someone is lying or hyping up a provider they are going to be called out. Just my 2 cents.
Here we go again!
I tried to handle this in a no drama no defaming way,but you seem to insist!
Your review on me was frank and you had a bad time. I agree with you it was bad for us both!
I will defend your right to provide an honest review and you did and at first because it was dated 11/20/2010 while I was in Las Vegas and you said I had weave hair which I do not, I thought it was a fake review and it was not and is not and I allowed it to remain posted!

Further searching my emails and pm's I did confirm I had seen you on the 23rd.
I respect your right to a proper review of the appointment and you did that and that should be the end of it.
It was not a racial thing but I just do not jive with black men because they tend to want to be my pimp.

The attitude of you and other black men is they have a big package and they want to own the moment!
Sorry but it is my preference but you seemed nice at first so I allowed you to stay! From there on for you and also for me the appointment went south, I am sorry for that both for you and myself!
HOWEVER you are escalating the bad review and defaming me in additional threads, bashing on my good reviews, belittling my clients who did enjoy my session and defaming me in post of a nature that has nothing to do with me.
Your continued bashing and defaming is not called for, should be banned by the board, and is not a part of the HOBBY nature to support and protect providers and members.
It is further a hate crime for any misgiving you did not get during our appointment! All appointments are YMMV for both the provider and the client!
Because you have been asked by me politely to cease and desist peacefully in one PM and move on to other things.
And my previous post about the subject never mentioned your name as a vendetta or to defame you only to call to everyone attention that this type of bashing is not called for in the Hobby!
I now respectfully ask you to please cease and desist on this subject move on or be banned from hobby on this board!
Your review stands as correct, not fake, a true indication of how the appointment went bad for you and I! It should remain as a posted review!
Your further bashing is what is being questioned as to being hateful!
Sugar Sugar

Brook I think it goes both ways and everyone who posted above made some good points. We do have what they call WK's on here who actually hurt us hobbyist. Let me give you a real situation that happens a lot in eccie.
Let's say I review a Girl named Jane Doe- I may have some connection with her- for example I can tell Jane Doe hey you give me or charge me "x" amount a dollars and I will write a glowing review of you to get more guys to see you. Now Jane Doe may have subpar skills and here I am writing this glorious review on her. Sawyer and Bubba may have seen Jane Doe and quite naturally they are going to call me out and bash my reviews just so other hobbyist are not conned by my review. It truly happens more than you think.
Also, you may have a situation where a lady Julie Doe could have tons of great reviews or she could have had an off night and gave a hobbyist a bad session and in return you will have a White Knight immediately bash the person who gave her a bad review or all of a sudden the White Knight remembers he saw her a month ago and then he writes this glowing review to cancel out the bad review which again can distort the truth.
All of the above are real life examples. In fact just 2 weeks ago I posted a review of a girl who has about 8 good reviews on eccie. I honestly did not have a good time with her- her place was in a low income messy apartment complex-not a hotel like she claimed(I know the difference between an apartment complex and a hotel) ad I had the session on a sheet on the carpet..The provider made no attempt to look decent-she blames it me arriving 10 minutes early, but failed to mentioned I text her an hour before her session letting her know I was on my way- it was rush hour so she had plenty of time. She claimed she didn't see Black men and I gave her the chance to end the session but since I had the money out I guess on that day GREEN was more important than BLACK. She did mentions in her attack on me she had no idea about my size- I don't know what she was expecting when she was getting pm's from me with my username handle? To add on I was accused of stealing her lube, being a cop and going over on time- she found out I obviously I wasn't a cop that the lube was mine and that I was on time all this added up for me giving her an honest bad review. When I wrote the review I gave the positives and the negatives and the negatives out weighed the positives so she got a bad review. I got blasted by her White Knights and she even posted a negative comment in the co-ed section which she distorted the truth and claimed my negative review is hurting her business. The review session is not a means for providers to use it strictly as a marketing tool to make money- it's to give hobbyist an accurate account of what to expect and not to expect.
It's sad that you have people on here who don't write true honest reviews, but the best way to sum it up Brooks is look in the newspaper or on the internet you may pull up to a restaurant guide and you may have people given an establishment an excellent review and then you may have some people given the same place bad reviews- it's not fair to say that the people giving bad reviews is bashing the restaurant right? Everyone has their own perspective, but when we feel someone is lying or hyping up a provider they are going to be called out. Just my 2 cents. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
dodger's Avatar
These guys are actually a lil uneasy about writing reviews because of the MEN on this site, not the women!! Originally Posted by brooke_banks69
Hmmmmm .......... no. I used to write reviews when I first began to hobby, sort of paying back. Now, not so much. Most of the ladies I see are well known and don't need or care much about reviews. Which means I don't post much on eccie. Have more reviews on TER and ASPD, but those are older.

If a lady asks for a review, I'll write one. When I do, I'm not at all concerned about what a guy may say. I mean, really?!? First, chances are he doesn't know me and vice versa. Second, I was there, he was not (presumably). I am more concerned with the ladies for two reasons, one .. at least one, possibly two, were there. So, entitled to an opinion and I want to be fair.

I don't mind a provider having a negative opinion about something I post, review or otherwise, but I really don't want to go to war with providers as a group. Whether it's one woman or a group of women, a guy doesn't want to be "cut off". There's metal in those words.

I made a comment about NCNSs and received a bunch of PMs from guys saying .. "Oh, happens to me all the time" .. and sometimes listing names and number of times the provider NCNS'd .. but then followed by .."but I don't want to say anything because I still want to see her." Well, golly.

Fwiw, I have yet to have a bad session. I genuinely like the providers I've seen. If I felt uncomfortable with a provider, I didn't book and discontinued communications. As to the gentlemen, may be great to have some "board friends" but that isn't really why I hobby.

btw ... really like the pic of you hugging the tree in your showcase.
cabletex7's Avatar
As evidenced by Sugar's response, the bashing goes both ways. (Hate crime? Really?). IMHO, the fewer rules the better it is for an open and free forum. I's not perfect but everybody gets to say what they think and let the readers make their own judgments. Yes, sometimes you write an honest review and may get challenged. So what? Defend your position or ignore the challenge. If you continue to write reviews and contribute, people will get an idea if your review was accurate or not.

BTW, I'm not black and have a small package but also like to own the moment.
Oh god, will the two of you just STFU about it? You both had your say, NO ONE CARES ANYMORE
sky_wire's Avatar
I love these drama threads. Too bad the mods hate them.
HG's Avatar
  • HG
  • 11-05-2010, 12:12 PM
I have been in hobbing for 5 years.
On the old site we did not have this problem.
I have quit writing reviews because of certain people on this site who will bash you if you don't write the review the way they think it should be written.
I have decided to start writing reviews again.
For the few who have nothing better to do but bash a person for writing reviews if the information is not there that you are looking for don't read it and go find a review that has the information or better yet go spend some money and find out for yourself.
IronMan's Avatar
When a good review gets bashed by others it is not really fair. It would seem it would be more credible if there was a link to a review done on the girl previously posted. It is not fair to not post a review and use good review to bash.
I think the same would be in white knights offering a good comment and backing it with a link to their review?
I do agree with Sugar sugar and others once you have stated your review one should not continue to defame one!
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
lol @bubba
I am relatively new to the hobby but must say that reviews are very helpful when you get through all the BS and get down to the facts such as performance, attitude and site. No question, you are going to find people who abuse the process of reviews, for whatever reason, but you just have to read between the lines.
absorbed's Avatar
Is this a business community or a social network? I'm really f'ing confused.