ECCIE allows for the existence of Private Forums. They cost money to maintain but with the exception of a couple of the "Nuclear Rules" like references to minors, drugs or outing someone the person that pays for the forum makes their own rules.
What would YOU do with a Private Forum here on ECCIE if you had control of the purpose and the rules?
There is a lot of information we share in a less organized fashion because of the general guidelines
I've always wondered how many review go unwritten simply because a guy does not want to see the review followed by pages of back and forth from other members.
Would you frequent a forum if it hosted Reviews without commentary from any but the 2 members present?
Would you frequent a forum if it hosted Reviews of Strippers without the need to hide names?
Would you frequent a forum that catered to "lists" maintained by a few that allowed for NO commentary?
Would you frequent a forum that catered to "pictures" shared that are not allowed elsewhere? Ladies are made to remove certain pictures regularly that many seem to like seeing.
There is a lot of information pushed OFF the board by the general guidelines all other forums are subject to as well as the prevalence of many that champion causes not their own or shout down others with beliefs they do not share.
What is not allowed here that you would be interested in seeing?
Be CAREFUL how you phrase a response so as to NOT cross any guidelines....