Helping a provider to get verified

deltadog's Avatar
What steps do I need to take to help get a provider verified?
Mojojo's Avatar
Have her register and follow the steps for upgrading. All you have to do is send me a pm vouching for her, once she sends her info we'll get it going.
Sorry, I dont want to seem dense, but I dont know how to upgrade, I am registered... And I have someone to verify me.. Please help!!
Sorry, I dont want to seem dense, but I dont know how to upgrade, I am registered... And I have someone to verify me.. Please help!! Originally Posted by SweetAngel
Thanks camo
deltadog's Avatar
Thanks for all your help!
NYr's Avatar
  • NYr
  • 12-01-2014, 08:27 PM
deltadog: as an FYI, each forum/city has a different email address. Should be done for her base city.

I notice your profile says Georgia; if she is from Georgia here is the link to use:

Each forum has a sticky with instructions in the Ad section as well as the welcome wagon section.