im still new ta all a this, but I been noticing that some fellers is what we call white knights. I just want everbodies apinion on why these fellers feel tha need to kiss a whores ass. id like you whores ta give yur apinion to.
Do yall like these fellers that think yur spcial frends with them and that you like them better then the rest of tha payin customers?
it seems pretty simple ta me how this all works, I have some cash and want some poon, and you whores have some poon and want some cash, so we make us a bisness deal and we both play nice with each other fer an hour or so. once that's done we just go our ways till I need me some more poon.
I just brot this all up cuz a one feller down here that seems ta spend all a his time kissin you girls asses and runnin errands an bein yur bich.
I wont bring up his name, hell he nose who he is, and so does everbody else.
my hired man jaun cant stop laffin when I talk about this feller. tell me what yall think