Let's Play A Game Of Pimp Or Not A Pimp?

So this new and sometimes hostile overzealous new member shows up bumping the same girls reviews. Question is what is his motivation? He's hostile to anyone who speaks negative, and is trying waayyyyy too hard to sell this girl. Is he psycho that is a nut job fanatic? Or is he a pimp with a vested interest in bumping these for business reasons? Please let's discuss the new situation.







So this new and sometimes hostile overzealous new member shows up bumping the same girls reviews. Question is what is his motivation? He's hostile to anyone who speaks negative, and is trying waayyyyy too hard to sell this girl. Is he psycho that is a nut job fanatic? Or is he a pimp with a vested interest in bumping these for business reasons? Please let's discuss the new situation.







http://eccie.net/showthread.php?p=10...post1056114957 Originally Posted by rockerrick
I think you missed one

We need a little music to liven up this thread

VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Or could be her using a male handle to promote herself
Or could be her using a male handle to promote herself Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
Doubt it if she even knows what's going on. This lady is obviously doing well (deservingly so) and, whoever this clown is, he is going to hurt her more than promote anything.

If he is a pimp, I agree, dumbest pimp ever.

Yeah I have considered it being her male profile. But I agree with Camille, she's the flavor of the week, and probably has more business than she can handle. Plus he has attacked 2 guys saying they didn't have appointments. So she would have to be pretty dumb discussing her appts with a client. No, I believe he's the stupidest pimp alive, even more so than iPimpTomFord.
Quite the enthusiastic pimp. Lots of energy on the keyboard this one has.
Sparticus needs to study his history.

Joe Buck's Avatar
OMAR is in da house! lmao
TxTo's Avatar
  • TxTo
  • 12-08-2014, 10:27 AM

The grammar in the pimp's responses makes my head hurt.
Exithere's Avatar
Let's see.....
Option 1. Pimp
Option 2. Stupid Pimp
Option 3. Stupid fucking idiot pimp.

My vote is option 3 and there is no way I'd see her if I even thought that there was some dumb ass douche bag waiting outside.
Joe Buck's Avatar
One thing is certain, where ever he went to pimp school he needs to get his money back!
LOL, the University of Hardknocks has a new program that gets you pimp cred overnight haven't you all heard about it? There are now online credits as well.
inspector farquar's Avatar
This should be a running series. Maybe a sticky.
inspector farquar's Avatar
I nominate for Next: SL: Pimp, or Not a Pimp?